Tuesday, February 27, 2007

12/2 Adriane
24/2 Irene, Xiangzhen
25/2 Ruby


今天起來晚了,但神很有恩典, 原來老師今天不來上課, 只是tutorial 呢, 多謝天父~

昨天在圖書館碰見小燕, 剛好這陣子想約她呢, 加油呀小燕, 睇好你ga~~
又在文廣看見周生,短短的談了兩句, 真的天父都讓我碰到剛想見的人, 好方便呀~~haha
所以我也會留意見到的人是否有什麼要我幫手, 要讓我可以怎樣祝福別人呢?

"你唔好淨係識關心人, 你都要被人關心ga~"嘩...你又知ge...不過原來信仰路上很多同路人, 所有很感謝天父~~=)

原來我同Ruby係16型人格係最不配合ga~看神多厲害----最不配合的人竟然成為最好的朋友, 之前Ruby來我家拜年, 我最喜歡就是跟好朋友在海怡行下海傍, 傾心事, 好開心呀~~lingling 生日又可以一起祈禱, 我最珍惜就是這些時候了...吹著海風, 好舒服!

昨天大佈道final rehearsal 左, 不錯呢! 還有廖啟智跟anthony的戲, 表演天份出sai 黎!好期待睇成個出黎會係點~謝謝Kaka的提醒, 會努力的了~~我覺得天父安排給我們每個籌委都好好, 都配合大家的恩賜, 彼此配搭, 覺得大家合作不錯, 感謝神! =)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

尋著你的那天Gospel Concert



Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Birthday to Adriane!!!~~surprised to receive the call from you~~~surprised by your voice!

and Happy Birthday to Lingling~~have a sweet birthday today! =)

Today have dinner with Debbie and Jennifer, nice talk on western and eastern traditions...the conversations is different from cantonese one...we talked about if we didn't use oil with the dishes, then we need not to use the 洗潔精 to wash them in order to save more water...didn't expect this tradition remained in the American born Chinese, to their next generations and back to hk...really interesting...haha...these little things we share somehow show our linkages and common roots...

today when i was going for lessons i met a group of people, one girl stayed and ask me direction for the train station, but obviously her companies knew the way, i told her and immediately she said: "I want to introduce to you a great message from the bible..."I'm going to have a lesson now," "oh it's okay, maybe you can take this leaflet" I wanted to know her "background" and it's Jehovah Witness! They are so 猖狂!! Beware, Chrisitians...the false prophets are everywhere....we have to be alert and most important, to pray!

These days EM have long meetings...i really don't want to...i'm sorry for that...I hope i can learn better the skill to lead discussions in meetings....long meeting doesn't work!

caroline...take care ar...
and also lenz
pray that EM won't exhaust us! Take a rest, in order to walk longer way...thanks Jessica!

today talked to yuen about prayer meeting and worship, yes it's important to have a pure heart, only in pure heart can we see God! I really need that in order to know God's will and follow Him closely...May God use this meeting to bless EM and CU! Hallelujah!

And today meet wingman, my follow up, ...really nice to meet her again...she is my only follow up this year! May God bless our relationship...i really need wisdom and love for her growth~~

Yesterday have a nice talk with Xiangzhen, i remember that once in 五高 we had a deep talk too...i think i would remember that talk all in my life..and also this one...i can understand the struggling feeling and uneasiness ....love you and support you always~

Today have a short phone call with mom and these days i feel we are being closer, with dad and sum sum also, i love you all~ really long time haven't seen sum sum la~~~~ =( call me more~
and "Yee po"'s emotion is still not so stable...please pray for her...

Now I decide thursday is my "thesis day", i'm going to work very hard on my thesis! May God give me wisdom and perseverence, self-discipline and everything i need to finish it---I'm going to do a good project this time!

Do you know that the Valentine's Day is originated from the remembrance of two Christian martyrs, instead of a festival for lovers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Valentine

but anyway the central theme is love!

Today i ask God, what wish i would have in you? And my answer is: Lord, how can i love you more? I think to love God, whom is so great, awesome, graceful, forgiving, perfect, wise, good, gentle, creative, humorous, decisive, righteous and deserved to be loved, is so wonderful! What i do is for you, and i hope you like it, 天父! =)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Thanks Siu yin for her present, it's really lovely one~

Yesterday talked to my CC Stot Tutor, have been learning much from him and his experience in 做人處事...good talk to him, and his encouragement reinforces myself to do what i want to do now...

Yesterday have EM meeting, it's a good time everytime to have meeting, so many laughters although some times we are difficult to have a consensus on one thing, but it's through this process we are tuned to one, just like in a choir we have to blend our voices together, we were born to have different voices, but through rehearsals and practice we learn to reduce our difference and blend with each other to become one voice, and then this one voice will become focused and powerful

"Success is not in our achievements, it is not in our not failing, it is not in our perfect record of being this or doing that, of having more or getting "there" that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that we are always chasing, but rather success is life itself. It is the ability to make the most of what we have been given, the grace to accept our failures, ourselves, for who we are, faults and all, and realize that life can be enjoyable when we live our lives as honest, and as best we can. Yes, we are going to fail, things will not turn out the way we wish, there will be disappointments and set backs, but ultimately, life is worth living. Life is worth living when you know and remind yourself that your life counts, you might not think it does, but in God's eyes, in the eyes of someone else, it does. It means more than you will ever know. You may never see it, but others do, I believe that. Sometimes we focus so much on the bad in our lives, the areas that need improvement, and we forget to see that good in our hearts, the good that has been done through our words and actions. I don't think God looks at our faults and says, "Why can't you do better?" or "What is wrong with you?" Rather, Father God in heaven is so proud of our hearts, He really is, I believe this with everything in me, I have to, or He wouldn't be a good God to believe in. Every now and then I get down on myself, I feel like I've failed others, I haven't done enough, or I made and make too many mistakes and I've sacrificed all for nothing, the enemy would want me to think this way, to feel like I didn't measure up, that I'm not good enough for the people that I love and care for or I haven't done enough for God and His kingdom. "

i happened to read Jaeson Ma's blog today, well...somehow this matches my thoughts... I found that i indulge myself in thinking myself too much, too much, today heard the talk from "wang yan long", and i think i have to re-think about the idea one idea i had last term...to tune my focus back, and still pray too less...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

琴日去左文廣派handbills...好感恩呀, 已經有幾多人話收過, 有D基督徒又話 "加油呀!" "我知道了!"
有D 一聽話係福音音樂佈道會本來唔想接都攞番張...所以發現派handbills 係一個鼓勵黎ga wor~~

跟住同Miu 去blitz, 但主要都係派handbills...呢兩個禮拜都係咁, 每次我的另外一隊都可以傾好耐,而我自己個隊往往都係派handbills...應該係一個學習黎, 要帶著信心!

下午開FU會, 發覺原來ELB 有個好地方wor, 個度個中大景無得彈~~個會好efficient 就開完了, 發現原來師傅開會時是一個好好笑的人~~ha~今年陪談會有一個唔同的安排, 希望神使用啦!

Kris, 星期四黎唔到, 唔好意思呀~

夜晚約了Ruby, 已經好耐好耐好耐好耐無見啦~~好掛住佢呀~~由於時間關係, 我們最後竟然去左UC 看戲...但無論如何都好開心呀~見到Ruby就覺得好開心~感謝天父~~

大家有無留意呢幾日D天氣好好, 個天係藍色黎ga~very beautiful~~

最近天父提醒我, 他想我享受在他的供應裡面, 而不是整天營營役役的渡過
我唔想後悔, 我唔想後悔畢左業先發覺我原來沒有好好珍惜!

同埋我唔buy讀書是人生最開心的日子, 我覺得我們的生活, 我們做人處事, 我們的人生觀, 都應該是每天在進步, 每天更明白, 其實我們所面對的, 並不是我們想像中那般吧

今天早上去了fun享何草的晨禱, 很感謝神興起了這個聚會, 正如可銘說, 這次可以說預工, 柔軟了中大人的心, 然後在EM 收割, 感謝神能讓我們有這樣的配搭, 感謝神祂真的很愛中大, 我相信, 有一日, 每個中大人都要被復興, 被神使用, 要遍傳, 好像安柱, 好像陳瑞芝那樣, 成為一個差出生活有力, 為主發光, 有夢想, 有行動的大學生基地!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


你是我神, 你是我王,
你是我神, 你是我王,
我要天天緊靠著你, 願將真心奉獻,
如雲飄到你面前, 現將更新的我,

昨天的祈禱會結束了, 有一百多人!感謝神呀~願意這個是整個宣傳期的一個好的開始! 要繼續努力!

實在唔知自己做錯什麼, 很不明白...你知就話我聽啦 O_o 唔該o西...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

on saturday i was taking the AO/EO test together with Irene, this is the first(may be last) time i take exam with her, ha~

while i was doing the test, i could not concentrate on the question it seemed i was dreaming or sth, i was thinking: do i want to do things like this as my career in the future?
writing policy recommendations, balancing parties' interest and reactions towards the policy and drafting speeches for others...although through these i might, to a very least possibility, introduce my thoughts into the policies

do things appear like what we anticipated, or not?

what would happen if it's not?

at night talking with mom, knowing Yee Po's family, and made a call her...knowing it's hard time for their family...this morning first time visit to "The Vine" with Debbie and Jennifer, quite like what i expect, but i can feel the inside fear to be in a foreign community..i just don't feel that comfortable...i said to Lord: "It's difficult for me, can i choose not to go?"
but Lord said: "Can you go for me? Can you try?"

yes, of course, if it's for you

thanks Kaka for sending me her daily devotion about Isiah, it offered me great help of positioning myself in EM, i'm not the master, but a servant, that makes me greatly relieved

God is in control and he never fails. Nothing in Him will fail.

Everything is under his permission and His watch, everything in front is a test for us.

God remind me today again the issue of boldness(i think it's like 5th times since i came back from HK), and he further explain the true boldness is not build on courage or anything, but trust in Him

i know in my heart i lack something important for me to carry on, and Holy Spirit only you can fill it up~i pray that God will move away that hard burden inside, or is it a must while serving Him?You said the burden is light!

我們與 神同工的,也勸你們不可徒受他的恩典。
We then, as workers together with him , beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed:
反倒在各樣的事上表明自己是 神的用人,就如在許多的忍耐、患難、窮乏、困苦、
But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, approving: Gr. commending
In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; in tumults: or, in tossings to and fro
By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,
真實的道理、 神的大能;仁義的兵器在左在右;
By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;
As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.


Saturway bay kay say
Matter what court Lord sort
Latter know whole soul cold load
Lizzie found sound
how now foul wow-----loud
bow how
towel mow lao

melting snow~