Happy Birthday to Adriane!!!~~surprised to receive the call from you~~~surprised by your voice!
and Happy Birthday to Lingling~~have a sweet birthday today! =)
Today have dinner with Debbie and Jennifer, nice talk on western and eastern traditions...the conversations is different from cantonese one...we talked about if we didn't use oil with the dishes, then we need not to use the 洗潔精 to wash them in order to save more water...didn't expect this tradition remained in the American born Chinese, to their next generations and back to hk...really interesting...haha...these little things we share somehow show our linkages and common roots...
today when i was going for lessons i met a group of people, one girl stayed and ask me direction for the train station, but obviously her companies knew the way, i told her and immediately she said: "I want to introduce to you a great message from the bible..."I'm going to have a lesson now," "oh it's okay, maybe you can take this leaflet" I wanted to know her "background" and it's Jehovah Witness! They are so 猖狂!! Beware, Chrisitians...the false prophets are everywhere....we have to be alert and most important, to pray!
These days EM have long meetings...i really don't want to...i'm sorry for that...I hope i can learn better the skill to lead discussions in meetings....long meeting doesn't work!
caroline...take care ar...
and also lenz
pray that EM won't exhaust us! Take a rest, in order to walk longer way...thanks Jessica!
today talked to yuen about prayer meeting and worship, yes it's important to have a pure heart, only in pure heart can we see God! I really need that in order to know God's will and follow Him closely...May God use this meeting to bless EM and CU! Hallelujah!
And today meet wingman, my follow up, ...really nice to meet her again...she is my only follow up this year! May God bless our relationship...i really need wisdom and love for her growth~~
Yesterday have a nice talk with Xiangzhen, i remember that once in 五高 we had a deep talk too...i think i would remember that talk all in my life..and also this one...i can understand the struggling feeling and uneasiness ....love you and support you always~
Today have a short phone call with mom and these days i feel we are being closer, with dad and sum sum also, i love you all~ really long time haven't seen sum sum la~~~~ =( call me more~
and "Yee po"'s emotion is still not so stable...please pray for her...
Now I decide thursday is my "thesis day", i'm going to work very hard on my thesis! May God give me wisdom and perseverence, self-discipline and everything i need to finish it---I'm going to do a good project this time!
Do you know that the Valentine's Day is originated from the remembrance of two Christian martyrs, instead of a festival for lovers:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Valentinebut anyway the central theme is love!
Today i ask God, what wish i would have in you? And my answer is: Lord, how can i love you more? I think to love God, whom is so great, awesome, graceful, forgiving, perfect, wise, good, gentle, creative, humorous, decisive, righteous and deserved to be loved, is so wonderful! What i do is for you, and i hope you like it, 天父! =)