Saturday, October 28, 2006




我最渴望的,我第一個答案,就是人與人之間深入的交流,我很渴望知道別人的想法,我也渴望別人會明白我.我很渴望把自己經歷過的東西告訴他們,也很想聽別人的想法與感受.我想人的心事就是我在這個世界裡面最好奇的東西了,包括去了解我自己. 彷彿我感受到,我體會到了,心裡面就會有一份安慰與平安的感覺. 如果別人誤解了,我會感到非常焦慮,失望,沮喪,害怕---我太在意別人的看法了.


基本上我花很多時間"想", 喜歡沉醉在這些思考裡面,但媽咪就會說我浪費時間,我知道的


另外,我也很希望自己能夠成為一個成功的人. 成功的意思就是能夠成為一個天父所喜悅的人,不辜負祂對我的期望.但當我越來越明白祂的期望的時候,我發現很多我本來的想法原來是錯的...原來祂比我更珍重我心底的想法,祂比我自己更希望我開心,更希望活得輕鬆一點


我的問題就是常常覺得自己有許多問題. 媽媽說我常集中看自己的缺點,卻重來不欣賞自己原來還有許多好的地方,我不斷就是推自己前進,但卻永遠不知道會將自己推到何方.




感謝神!!第一次「大埔道」跟其他基督徒群體的會順利完成 ,更感謝神的是今天是籌辦「大埔道」的第一個神蹟發生, 記載如下~~~~~

在某年某月某日的一個晚上, 武林英雄大會之後, 當幾個「大埔道」工人苦思舖「大埔道」的古仔, 苦無對策的時候…一個高人輕然飄過~~「站住! 」一位客倌說道, 「有無見證?」

那位高人回頭一望, 看是熟人, 便不客氣: 「有喎!」

幾位工人驚訝, 連忙道 : 「快過來就坐~~快從實道來!」

接著那位高人便如實把他的修道經過娓娓道來, 故事雖不至驚天地, 泣鬼神, 卻感人至深, 大家聽得專心, 聽到中斷不時拍桌, 不時驚嘆, 不時天上的爸爸何等奇妙~~~( 我們要找的人就是他!!)



就這樣上帝尋找了這位仁兄 , 我們也尋找到今天站在「大埔道」上的主角----大埔人!!-------- 可銘弟兄

如無意外「大埔道」的鋪路情況應該如大埔人的故事經歷發展~~ 有了主線, 一切就好辦啦~感謝主!!

時間的準確程度真的好像隨手拿來那般, 神的作為奇妙! Praise our LORD!!! yeah~

亦讓我們一班工人深深感受到天上爸爸正在掌管, 祂帶領的奇妙!!

Monday, October 23, 2006


魯迅憑著優秀的成績到日本留學,但學醫時發覺身體健康不及精神靈魂的健康重要,毅然棄醫從文,企圖用筆從戎,去改變民族精神. 他一生研究美學,文學,是五四運動的先鋒,去逝時棺上寫著"民族魂".

剛巧看到同房一篇巴金寫的文章紀念魯迅,對他做人做文學認真的態度大大嘉許和敬佩,當時巴金只是一個青年作家,他看見魯迅負責一個編輯社,為了青年作家出版作品用自己的稿費付費,認真盡責不耽誤一下別人的工作,就在這些微小處巴金說他更努力學習,卻發覺越學習,越多東西要學習. 一個人感動人的往往不是說話,而是品格和行動...而且魯迅待人以真,他的筆也真,這才令他的文字流傳到今世. 儘管詩人風花說月,或者用詞描述得豪華巧麗,但如果只是大花大花的寫,而不具任何實際意義的話,讀者讀來來了又過,不會留下甚麼. 之前和心心夾歌,看到一些流行曲以前是唱到街知項聞的,但今天已經再沒有記得這些歌了,以前原來一些歌手出現過,現在也不記得名字了.反而一些特別的心思的,會留下深刻的印象.





"My people have been at the point where they've confessed the Scriptures, rebuked the devil, pleaded the blood, and have had brethren agree with them in prayer, but still NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Child of Mine, you've not been in a faith test, but a LOVE TEST" (Psalm 11: 4-5; 1 Thessalonians 2:4).

"My love test is when I allow circumstances to come into your life to determine, 'Do you really love Me?' (Genesis 22: 1-2, 9-12). I wanted to see if you were a fair-weather Christian--this is a child of Mine who only gets excited and loves Me when all is fair or better."

"I was saying to you, 'I know you love Me when I bless you and supply all your needs. But will you still love Me, even if it looks like I am halting the blessings in your life and allowing some troubles to touch you?' The big question in the face of adversity is, 'Will you love Me or will you be offended by Me?'"

"Many of you have stayed true, your love was proved and now you will be strengthened...making you fit for the Master's use (2 Timothy 2:19-26). This is the first and greatest commandment, 'Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind, soul, and strength...'"

"Remember this: My tests are highly refined instruments, like a doctor would use surgical tools...but My operations are always successful (Philippians 1:6) . The angel is blowing the trumpet, so get ready to slide off the table. The test and procedure is about over, and it's time to get up. Adjust your armor (Ephesians 6:13-17); I am thrusting you back into the battle."


"It has been difficult for many because some did not bear witness to the message or the vision I gave you. Some were never meant to. That doesn't mean you are better than them (Philippians 2:3), but you cannot plant a vineyard on another's land" (Romans 15:20).

"You have learned not to force your liberty on those not meant to receive it. I am pleased you counted My Word precious to you, but even more so that you have learned not to demand that it be precious to others. Do not be anxious (Philippians 4:6); I'm melting other hearts to catch the vision. Because you have been patient and faithful, I will open new doors for you, but be careful not to burn bridges because you will need them later."

"Criticize no one; love even the most difficult brethren and continue to be patient with all who do not agree with you. Let people remember you not for your giftings, but for your love (Romans 13:8). Anyone can pass judgment and be critical, but my seasoned saints navigate though troubled waters with love as a rudder" (John 13:34-35; 15:17) .

"I remember your work of faith and your labor of love (1 Thessalonians 1:3), you've been troubled and weary, but you've kept the faith and completed the test. Honor is at the door."


"Now is the accepted time to step up and out, because I'm calling you out of the classroom to the throne room. I'm about to give many a new passion for an old vision (Habakkuk 2:3). As I rekindle the vision, you will discover old wounds that used to fester inside of you (Joel 2:23-26) will no longer be felt."

"I am depositing an amazing resiliency inside of you, so instead of retreating when you are knocked back two steps, you'll immediately get up and take three steps. You will bounce back from hurtful experiences and painful words that you experienced in the past."

"Others have had mates who seemed opposed or were slow to come on board concerning your vision, but I will soften hearts in this new season, and fresh unity and support is about to come. Some who have had promises (tucked in their hearts) of ministries and callings, will begin to see manifestations of them being fulfilled" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

"Now is the time to stir up the gift within you (2 Timothy 1:6). Others, early in their walk with Me, tasted My power, but shrunk back because of mistakes or timidity. That time is over. Many are waiting to be delivered, taught, and sent out" (Matthew 28:19-20).

"Listen to My voice (Psalm 95:7); I'm calling those who have been waiting for a confirmation to step up to the plate, and step out of self-imposed limitations. Your test results are in, like Joseph you've waited patiently on My Word and passed the test" (Psalm 105:19).

"Yes, there is more to learn, but I've completed a great inner work for such a time as this (Ephesians 3:16), AND I'm handing you your diploma. Take it and rise up."

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the Glory of the LORD is risen upon thee" ISAIAH 60:1.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


食飯之後揾返走之前買的Broadway音樂劇的collection聽,超正~好多都係以前唱過/聽過,所以每次聽返都會lum返以前唱choir的日子,這首Seasons of love 我也忘記了何時唱,應該是summer concert 吧,才有機會唱d較輕鬆簡單的accapella...今年如果有機會,都好想唱返GBA...

看電視的時候,不知不覺同媽咪Daddy講返小時候的事情(因為聽緊上海灘),原來好懷念以前的生活,生活的簡單樸實的感覺(以前我是同mama,伯伯一齊住,伯伯的房永遠都放著一隻很大很大的模型飛機,還有很多其他的飛機模型,設計圖,我總是好奇他能夠睡在哪裡...還有我每次經過伯伯的房都會偷食一粒奸人榶--奸人堅賣廣告那隻瑞士糖---又會偷食放在daddy書櫃的阿華田(齋食d粉), haha~~)


我地堅持嘈到11pm到daddy 警告訊號發出時才肯收手,但以後要彈多d,彈多d,yeah~

上堂竟然識到自己師妹,想起以前Mixed 的日子...現在已經不會參加中文比賽,每次recruit成一百人又無discipline的choir---"我地以前嬴DBDGga!"師妹流露出不信/難以致信的眼光...hai~

Rent - Seasons of Love

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments So Dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
How Do you Measure - Measure A Year ?

In Daylights - In Sunsets
In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches - In Miles
In Laughter - In Strife

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure A Year In The Life

How About Love ?
How About Love ?
How About Love ?
Measure In Love
Seasons Of Love

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Journeys To Plan

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure The Life Of A Women Or A Man ?

In Truths That She Learned Or In Times That He Cried
In Bridges He Burned Or The Way That She Died

It’s Time Now - To Sing out
Tho` The Story Never Ends
Let’s Celebrate
Remember A Year In The Life of Friends

Remember The Love
Remember The Love
RememberThe Love
In Love
Seasons Of Love …

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We need to worship you!




pray for us!pray for CU!!

Monday, October 16, 2006



今天跟玲玲吃飯,好久沒跟她吃飯了,分享了她課上講到一個記者背叛了王丹說出逃走路線的故事,人面對性命的威脅,可否為了正義而不妥協?妥協了,是可以諒解的嗎?之後她給了我一篇文章關於沈旭暉,雖然他的人生在這個世界很成功,但為甚麼他的世界還是總是灰灰暗暗的?在這個世界人追求的東西,名,利,安全感都有了,知識他也有了,口才也有了,別人的認同也得到了.他還說他見過又成功又快樂的人,真的很少. 現在的世界書店裡都是"如何達致成功","十個成功秘訣"一大堆, 那如果成功不會讓我們快樂, 我們追求成功幹嘛??!就為了滿足別人對我們的要求嗎?無聊!

我以前的同房修了他的課,讀得不好,他親自send email去關心她的情況,我覺得他私底下是一個好人.祈禱盼望神早日尋找他,去改變他現在的生命~







Saturday, October 14, 2006

God is cool!

Today i read from "The Institutes of Christian religion" by John Calvin, it's so REAL in my these days experience...

saying that God is a God...

...who prepare what he could see that would be useful and good for men.
...whose providence is caring,effective, energetic and always active

Our comfort in trouble is that everything we endure is ordained and commanded by God and that they are in his hands.

He is the one who bring difficult situation to happy conclusions.

God's plan is highly rational. His purpose is either to develop patience in his people, correct their vices, remove their impiruty, accustom them to self-denial and stir them from laziness; or to humble the proud, defeat the ungodly and frustrate their scheming.WOW~

God is cool!

Last week, i went to Ruby and her friends to Ocean Park and threatened by those disgusting creatures in Halloween ghost houses...i cannot get rid of the bad feelings until i saw these 水母, how beautiful are these creatures!!!how can anyone deny God's wonderful creation~~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


謝謝Aumiu和Jeannie的ecard...你們真好...and Miu的祈禱


大家都很忙, 看見Derek竟然忙到看不到我...知道工作實在壓力很大...無事無刻都要想公司的事...何時才可以放輕鬆點?Annie和Mandy都臨時不能來吃飯, 送pak-wing的飯就這樣取消了...以後就要用SMS聯絡,6個月後才放"監"哈...願神在這段時間大大陶造你~~Natalie繼續找工,努力啊~為你禱告^^

仲有,mud 你有看我日記,就留下言啦~我從來唔知!

向真話點解我成日講神,但就無講我日日做mud,但係一日發生咁多事,一定寫唔sai ga la..於是我找最重要最想分享的,往往是我對神的感受~~他真的很偉大!!不過都嘗試寫下啦.

聽說今年有成十多人讀Bible school....神果然興起他的人!很奇妙~

前日跟Ruby吃飯,很多謝她給我的message,我每次都會"chou"她的message,因為每個都寫得好感動~~:p 但最衰我個電話只可以有10個message...



Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Metamorphosis can be described by the process through which a caterpillar is changed from a worm, that has to crawl and conform to the contours of the earth, then turn into a butterfly that soars above the earth. This is the process that you are now going through.

However, just as breaking out of its cocoon is the greatest struggle a butterfly will have to endure, for you to break out of its cocoon, will also be its greatest struggle yet. Even so, just as this struggle is required to strengthen the butterfly so it can flap its great wings, this struggle will be required to strengthen you so that it, too, can use the great wings that it is being given.

this struggle is necessary...


我活在幸福之中 卻感覺痛苦..為甚麼會這樣的...??



Monday, October 09, 2006


在我們的研究裡面, 我們抽出了六個現今大學生的特質: 功利心態, 不尊重別人, 追潮流, 學習態度, 少注意健康, 時間分配的問題出來探討研究. 可能這些習慣不但人有他有,你有我有, 也是整個社會的反映: 其實大學就是社會的縮影, 我們分析大學生的習慣, 也不過是香港青年人, 甚至香港社會文化的反映罷. 大學生, 只作為一個有特定範圍研究的目標, 幫助我們探索問題所在. 但話轉回來, 這些在我們社會裡每人都習以為常的東西, 究竟有何探討的價值?


香港是一個快而講求競爭的社會: 由於殖民地的社會, 經濟定型, 我們講求”立即見效”, 社會政策如是, 教育如是, 社會投放在重長期發展的東西較少, 因此很多東西都是實驗性質, 試不對就改, 因此容易出現政策混亂 . 經濟政策由於已經有西方的經驗與深厚理論作根基所以不會有大差錯, 但說到其他範疇如社會政策研究, 教育政策研究, 文化歷史研究等牽涉較多人文人化因素的發展條件, 只搬硬件就較容易產生配套問題. 重績效, 意味對長遠考量較少, 一方面令預見或抵禦潛伏危機的能力較低, 令一方面競爭做成人際關係之間的極大張力. 人寧願用時間用來建立自己, 提升自己的競爭力, 所以去關心別人, 考慮他人感受, 便不如自己方便, 自己得利的因素重要, 所以公眾場所大聲講電話, 不遵守規則, 上課睡覺,遲到跡象便應運而生 .
香港社會是重視經驗的社會. 由於中國社會歷史經歷過極大動盪, 中國人的社會早已有一個自動調節的機制, 應變操施, 大部分市民習慣大部分靠自己, 努力更生. 所以每逢政策改變, 環境變遷社會不單有誠惶誠恐的感覺, 而且容易令社會變得無所適從而招致很大的壓力. 由於中國人的社會重經驗而不重科學, 令政策方向欠缺改革的動力, 又未能得到大眾支持. 人寧願到處私下尋找良方, 依賴人的經驗也不願信任政府. 例如教育改革民間會紛紛興起補習社, 九七危機來到紛紛移民離開, 等等, 都反映其實香港人對政府的不信任, 長期活在一個不安全感的當中. 由於重人的經驗, 所以也容易導致一窩蜂的現象產生, 這並不是市民的不智, 而是社會根本沒有公認又可信任的東西依賴-----在一個商業化的社會, 競爭大講求利益的社會, “不用錢換來的東西是有價值的嗎? “, 是香港人的疑問. 這個問題也可反映在大學生選易碌科, 找兼職的現象上: “別人不選我最好還不要選”, “錢最實際”-----這不是代表香港人太重金錢, 而是因為以前中國歷史, 社會貧乏社會遺留下的思維, 似乎”物質是一樣比較可靠的東西”的結論和想法, 依然縈繞在我們這輩人的思想中.

令一方面, 香港是一個富裕的社會. 一方面我們引以為傲的經濟起飛歷史再次引證中國人勤奮的優良特質---令我們更要在為自己將來打算而努力----但令一方面社會條件的富裕令我們一下子可以擁有很多---曾經經歷難民, 資源貧乏年代的父母理所當然的儘量滿足子女的要求, 令現在孩子形成”手到拿來”, 拿不到就----投訴的特質, 加上商業社會的顧客至上的思維, 產生”消費者”的心態: 教育如是, 社會服務如是, 醫療政策如是, 是一個趨勢. 令一方面中國傳統教育又忽略的父母陪伴子女, 花時間與子女溝通, 教育子女的訓練, 社會工作壓力令家庭關係變得緊張又帶物質化. 我輩人由於人生經歷順利, 少受挫折, 所以朋輩的認同與角色更同重要, 心靈卻較脆弱. 所以一方面對自己追求個人的興趣理想會欠缺勇氣, 這是受填鴨式, 重考試為本, ”標準答案”, 忽略個人創意發展的教育結果----另一方面要得到認同不得不在外表的追求上努力, 用物質去建立自我.

面當整個社會潮流重視新又多變的科技發展的時候, 重視競爭的特質, 對適應環境變遷能力遊刃有餘的港人簡直的大派用場, 社會都被整個潮流吸引, 而物質豐裕讓我們可以擁有很多的時候, 所謂代表文化價值的歷史, 文物, “舊”的東西, 便很少有人去理會. 令一方面, 社會急促令人總想向前追趕, 需要長時間投資的健康生活, 相比令人眼化撩亂的娛樂世界與物質生活, 便顯得沒有吸引力. 至於社會環境變化太急促, 令我們不得常常為自己做”兩手準備”, 所以時間分配我們總有很多選擇, 人際關係我們有很多選擇, 學習方法我們也有很多選擇---一方面我們不想失去機會, 令一方面我們不容手中有失---所以來來回回奔跑得很辛苦. 急促、多變、機遇與競爭, 也許就是典型的香港人的寫照吧.

當我們每天批評我們的老師辛苦, 孩子受苦的教改問題….青少年重視物質輕視人本教育, 慨歎社會高舉經濟導向, 個人主義, 令人情更冷淡的今日, 我們對於這些”老生常談”有何反省? 我們該作何努力去改變我們不願意見到的未來? 我們的研究發覺, 原來比較其他社會, 香港社會所反映的特質只不過是千萬中的一種. 我們覺得平凡不過的現象, 可能得到外來人的詫異眼光---為甚麼會是一個多元化, 充滿活力的社會----令一方面又令人生活快速緊張, 透不過氣,單一的社會氛圍? 仔細看清楚原來一切並不是必然或偶然: 原來歷史原因令我們變得失去安全感, 難民的歷史操練我們有高度的適應力; 殖民地政府早就定下我們的經濟性格, 填鴨式的教育令我們對權威有高度服從, 社會的快速改革令我們失去對人際關係的信心與尊重, 科技的轉變令我們眩目而追逐…… 當發現這些都有既有因, 又有果的時候, 當我們深一步了解我們社會文化對我們的影響的時候, 我們可以繼續我們的忙碌, 追求數字跳升的雀躍快感, 而漠視問題的存在嗎? 我們可有想過令我們引以為傲的部分, 但也可能是產生的問題的根源? 我們可以對環境說不, 對於將來的回應我們可以有一個標準答案以外的一個觀點嗎? 也許這是在時代的巨輪轉動下我們連閃身的空間也沒有; 不過既然我們的找到形成生活如絲模樣的佐料, 我們也許是否也有改變將來的契機? 可不可以香港人成為守時的人? 不浪費的人? 珍重精神文化的人? 我們可否創造自由尋味的學術空間, 互相尊重的社會關係, 活潑自由的學習氣氛? 可否由重視數字的焦點轉去重視體現人情的價值? 可否由體現金錢的體系轉去重視非物質的生活追求? 當西方社會開始發現他們社會分化, 貧富懸殊, 人與人之間出現信任危機的種種問題的時候, 其實我們是早應該著手籌備, 防止從蹈覆轍 ; 當數字的壓力令人透不過氣而明知所作是為做而做, 沒有實效的東西的時候, 我們應該停下來, 反思一下我們走過的, 還有繼續走嗎?

人生的反思與考量是不盡的, 問題的複雜也不是如我們報告能夠盡言的,
情況, 還是 ”未解決”, 但希望透過這次研究我們發覺習慣的產生其實並不是那麼理所當然, 裡面所反映的思維, 價值觀, 是屬於我們的一部分, 也是我們要好好思量反省的重要部分. 大學生最後修業年的報告沒有雄心壯志, 只盼望從城市的一隅, 社會裡不大不小的一群年輕人, 瞥望這個城市將來的一小片景與光, 回望走過的一條思路.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

the blue flame

From Patricia King, of Extreme Prophetic Ministry:

"Dear Friends,

For the last number of months, I have had recurring nudges from the Holy
Spirit to meditate on the phrase, "The Blue Flame of the Lord".

The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire and the
color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God's love,
and an open heaven.

Recently while teaching a Glory School in Dudley, England with Trevor
and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame
of the Lord. In this encounter I could feel myself soaring like an eagle
looking upward into the Sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the
Sun. Eagles (often a bible symbol of the prophetic) in the natural
have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have.
This allows them to look directly into the Sun without damage to their

As I gazed into the Sun I could feel myself being drawn towards its
center and that is when I saw it - the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful.
I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected and also
its passion. The Lord gave me 3 points of understanding and application
that I would like to share with you.

1. The Blue Flame Speaks of Divine Revelation.
Fire is an illuminator. Our Heavenly Father has given us the Holy Spirit
as our Helper. He leads and guides us into all truth and grants us
revelation concerning Christ and His invisible Kingdom. The Spirit
reveals the deep things of God. In 1 Corinthians 2:9,10, the scripture
teaches that the Holy Spirit reveals to those who love the Lord, things
that eye has not seen, ear has not heard and things that have not even
entered into our heart. Verse 10 states ".for the Spirit searches all
things, even the deep things of God." The Lord is promising an
impartation of the deep things of His heart to those who fix their gaze
upon Him. This is a season of increased and intensified revelation for
those whose lives are completely His.

2. The Blue Flames Speaks of His Passionate Love.
Song of Solomon 8:6 teaches that ".love is as strong as death; jealousy
is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which have a
most vehement flame." The intensity of this type of jealous love speaks
of His great passion and affection for us. We are in His heart
continuously. It is the power of this love that purifies and refines us.
This love burns up the dross and aligns us with His ways and purposes.
When we are filled with His passionate love, the blue flame is also
ignited within us and creates an intense love response to Him. "We love
Him because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19). When the blue flame of
His love burns within us we will also love others with His passion. The
Body of Christ is being invited to be filled with the blue flame of His
love and to cause the world around us to be set ablaze with this love.
New levels of refining, separation, purification, and purging will come
to God's people as a result of individuals being filled with the blue
flame of love. More intense levels of love for God and for others will
be experienced in the Body of Christ.

3. The Blue Flame Speaks of the Essence of Heaven.
When examining the scriptures it appears that blue (found in the
sapphire) is a significant color in heaven - in fact, the pavement under
God's feet is sapphire. Ex 24:10 "And they saw the God of Israel: and
there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone,
and as it were the body of heaven in His clearness." We also find that
the foundations of the walls of the heavenly Jerusalem include sapphire
stones (Rev 21:19). In the natural, when we look up into the sky, we
see "blue". Blue is the color that
symbolizes the Open Heaven. Many of God's children in this hour will
receive increased heavenly and divine encounters. The Body of Christ
will become more and more familiar with the reality of heaven - God's
place of abode. Multiplied manifestations of heaven will be seen in
the earth. More believers will live under the blessings of the Open Heaven.

Our friend Faisal Malick adds these thoughts:
The blue flame of the Lord represents purity of revelation and wisdom.
Revelation is unveiling hidden wisdom in the right season. Secrets are
never hidden from God but by HIM for us.


When the kairos time comes for hidden wisdom to be revealed in the
earth, the deep of Father connects with deep of our spirits and Holy
Spirit impregnates us with revelation knowledge rapped in the seed of
his Word. As a result hidden wisdom foreordained unto our Glory in
Christ is unlocked. Then forerunners come forth out of the wilderness
impregnated with revelation knowledge in the womb of their spirit. They
carry the baby or steward the revelation in the midst of persecution and
affliction with great joy knowing that they must give birth to the plans
of the Spirit into the earth. Then the season comes where they actually
speak forth by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation making known even to
the principalities and powers the wisdom of God that was hidden long
before even principalities existed. This then provides a death blow to
the devil and the gates of hell which can not prevail against revelation
knowledge and allows the will of heaven to be done on earth as it is in
heaven. The WORD is forever settled in heaven but must be established in


