Saturday, October 14, 2006

God is cool!

Today i read from "The Institutes of Christian religion" by John Calvin, it's so REAL in my these days experience...

saying that God is a God...

...who prepare what he could see that would be useful and good for men.
...whose providence is caring,effective, energetic and always active

Our comfort in trouble is that everything we endure is ordained and commanded by God and that they are in his hands.

He is the one who bring difficult situation to happy conclusions.

God's plan is highly rational. His purpose is either to develop patience in his people, correct their vices, remove their impiruty, accustom them to self-denial and stir them from laziness; or to humble the proud, defeat the ungodly and frustrate their scheming.WOW~

God is cool!

Last week, i went to Ruby and her friends to Ocean Park and threatened by those disgusting creatures in Halloween ghost houses...i cannot get rid of the bad feelings until i saw these 水母, how beautiful are these creatures!!!how can anyone deny God's wonderful creation~~


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