Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to get Muslims and Jews talking to each other?

In search of dialogue


Feb 26th 2008
From Economist.com
How to get Muslims and Jews talking to each other?


IN JUST about every dialogue between the great religions of the world there are points of striking commonality and points of sharp contrast. Both extremes are almost certain to come up whenever Muslims and Jews get together and try talking theology.

This week saw the latest such attempt at an exchange of ideas, as an open letter from leading Muslim scholars to the Jewish community was unveiled in Cambridge, Britain. It follows a somewhat similar initiative that was launched last October, when 138 leading Muslims wrote to the leaders of the Christian world, proposing a formal dialogue based on the commandments of Jesus to love God and one another. The original letter was entitled “A Common Word between Us and You”. At first the Vatican reacted coolly, but Pope Benedict XVI eventually agreed to receive some of the signatories.

The signatories of this week’s letter include Tariq Ramadan, an influential scholar and teacher among Western (especially west European) Muslims; Mustafa Ceric, the grand mufti of Bosnia; and Sari Nusseibeh, a Palestinian professor from al-Quds university in Jerusalem. “As Muslims and Jews we share core doctrinal beliefs, the most important of which is strict monotheism”, the missive states—after explaining that it is being published “as a gesture of goodwill towards rabbinic leaders and the wider Jewish communities of the world.”

The background to the gesture is a broad effort to seek out those points of commonality between religions. For Muslims and Jews there is much to agree upon, but also much to dispute. The Hebrew patriarchs, including Abraham, Moses and Noah, play an important role in the Koran (as does Jesus, the son of Mary); but there are differences in the Muslim and Jewish narratives which are certainly not trivial for anyone who regards these stories as primordial revelations of God. The Koran makes plain that the sacred writings of the Jews offer a valid path to salvation; yet there is also a clear suggestion in the Muslim tradition that the Jews, along with the Christians, misunderstood or even wilfully distorted the messages that they received from God—making a final revelation, that of Mohammed, vitally necessary.

In recent years, theological differences between Muslims and Jews have been complicated (putting it mildly) by geopolitical ones, as both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (and their respective supporters around the world) present their case in ever more explicitly religious terms. However far they are from Jerusalem, Muslims and Jews find their diametrically opposing views of the Middle Eastern conflict get in the way of their attempts to discuss more universal themes, such as revelation or morality.

Even when the two sides are doing their best to be polite to one another, Middle Eastern matters rear up. In 2004, for example, a prominent British Jew and veteran of inter-faith work, Sir Sigmund Sternberg, withdrew an award he had earlier offered to Iqbal Sacranie, who was then head of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB): this was in protest at a statement by the council which denounced Israel’s “murderous” leaders and accused them of “ethnic cleansing”. (Not that all the news in Britain’s inter-faith scene is bad. This year the MCB attended an event on Holocaust Memorial Day, discreetly reversing a boycott which had deeply offended Jews.)

There have been some positive Jewish reactions to the letter this week: Rabbi David Rosen, who advises the chief rabbinate of Israel on inter-faith matters, said the initiative was especially welcome because the “remarkable co-operation and cross-fertilisation” which had often existed between Muslims and Jews had been “tragically overshadowed” by modern politics. The letter was launched in the civilised environment of the Centre for the Study of Muslim-Jewish Relations at Cambridge University. How it will play in some of the wilder places where Islam and Judaism stand face to face is a harder question.

穆斯林跟猶太教人和基督徒的對話都是好事吧, 總好過因為傳媒的渲染常常有誤會




神很愛他 他也知道神很愛他
然後說, 神,你不愛我了嗎?你放棄我嗎?



Friday, February 22, 2008

"if you don't plan, you plan to fail"
----Ulf Ekman

harsh but true...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

男人, 不要以為全世界都像你們這麼好色的!



梁文道 牛棚書院院長

我很奇怪為甚麼大眾傳媒的焦點是究竟大眾看了'不該看的東西'的電腦私隱問題上面, 而不是陳冠希的行為本身的討論. 這樣的新聞引來轟動和大量的傳閱, 是因為事件本身的嚴重性和牽涉的當事人是香港的當紅明星, 大家爭相討論是不足為怪的, 不可以說是他們的責任就比當事人大; 但大眾的討論竟然在只是'無意之間看了別人的私隱, 錯不在當時人', 顯示了今日香港社會對於'私隱' 與'道德' 的灰色地帶, 遮蓋了這件事件所暴露今日社會道德界線與年輕人對愛與性的理解是何種扭曲地步的問題.

這件新聞第一個反應;男的當事人很變態, 這樣要求女性作出種種羞恥的行為, 明顯是為了自己的私慾, 滿足自己的慾望, 玩弄感情;

第二個反應;我對女的當事人是抱同情和覺得可惜的: 為了討好男性而不惜一切, 為了得到愛和表達愛, 用了錯誤的方法, 做了不值得的犧牲. 鍾形容為天真和傻, 我會歸納為'無知', 也可以看出現在年輕人做事不顧後果, 不知道如何去愛, 也不知道怎樣得到愛的結果.

第三個反應; 本來我對梁文道一向沒有甚麼, 但今次對他的言論極度反感.他可以為鍾辯護, 但他也同時辯護了男性在婚姻外對性的渇求的正當性:他竟然說玉女的形象其實為了增加潛意識的性誘惑,滿足男性, 我覺得這樣看他太自私了---相信這點不但所有的女性會反對, 對一些愛護及尊重女性的男士也會否定他的觀點. 愛和性是神聖且可貴的, 而婚姻則為這個關係加上保護和認可, 禁止婚前/婚外性行為並不是為禁而禁, 而是對這種關係的保護和尊重, 梁說所有批評這些都是虛偽的人, 我卻建議他不要認為這個世界所有人都是他這樣'好色' 的!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In Christ Alone

that's what Jesus said to His disciples:
"I cannot be with you any longer, my friends.
You cannot go where i am going.
My commandment to you after i've gone is this...
Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another."

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lord, mould me to the way you want me to be!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Many years ago I sat with a pastor and his wife and their thirty year-old daughter and son in law. We were there to try and resolve a conflict between the couples. The daughter had really pulled away from her mom and dad, causing a lot of hurt in their lives. We sat in my office for a while, trying to get to the root of the problem when suddenly mom leaned over and put her hand on her daughter’s leg and said, “Honey, you will always be my little girl!” BINGO! I got it. Her little girl had grown up into a mature woman and was now a mother herself. But her mom wanted her to stay small. It made her feel needed and important. Unknowingly, her mom was keeping her from growing up. The daughter had to distance herself from her family so she could come into her God given destiny.

The Bible says , “humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time”. One of the main rewards of humility is that we get to live an exalted life. Why is it then, that most of us preach humility but never talk about living in greatness?

In Australia there is something called the Tall Poppy Syndrome. When someone tries to become great in that country, the culture pro actively sabotages their growth. This has resulted in Australia having virtually no national heroes.

The Church has it’s own Tall Poppy Syndrome, but it isn’t right. The Kingdom of God is supposed to be a place where people become great! We are called a Royal Priesthood by God and we are referred to as kings by the Apostle Paul. We must deal with our insecurity and create a culture that breeds champions. We have to remind our sons and daughters that it is their calling and privilege to do greater works than we’ve done!

Lets continue the legacy that Jesus began in our family by encouraging those we influence to grow up, become mothers and fathers, and change the world.

Kris Vallotton

Saturday, February 02, 2008



風雪中國 回家何太難




- 在嚴寒中渴望回家的民工,為他們旅途上的平安,能夠回家團圓過節祈禱
- 嚴重癱瘓的交通,盼望能在協調合搶修下,中斷的鐵路和公路交通能盡快恢復,疏導人潮
- 記念多個省份的暴風雪災情,特別是大批在嚴寒中,卻因燃煤短缺而電力供應中斷的民眾
- 很快就到春節,在風雪影響下,原本已經很貴的糧食價格會繼續大幅飆升,這對億萬收入不高的貧困人口來說,是極大的擔子,記念他們的生活








