Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We are made to worship Lord.
Only in worship we can turn the right focus on Lord in Life, Amen!

other gods in the world cannot see, hear , speak or react, but Lord is the Lord who answers prayers and He cares!

Yesterday i went to CUFES fellowship to do EM promotion. It's a joint U event so at the same time unintendedly also do the promotion to b/s in other u. I was trying to finish the 150pg reading at one night, but it's hard, i just hate to cramp things to the last minute, even more when i was doing that. Work until 3pm, have a nice chat with Adriane.

But hope not this will be a regular time i can chat with you,dear

I would be frustrated when i cannot smoothly communicate with someone, i feel : why?
It's just harsh to me
and then i will think that i was not perform that well, i could do better, earlier, i could have thought of that earlier
but now i need to learn not to interrupt, to let go, to hand things over to God and have peace
it's difficult to create a thing appealing to everyone, but i believe God use everyone of us and by the way, it's not that not-good at all---learn to accecpt unintended things happen

I just feel myself unreasonably worrying, and i ask myself don't, but i just can't help
i lack faith and when i think more, more accusation come, feelings, emotions, i just don't want to open the box of emotion, i don't like myself to be emotional, cos in that state i will stop operating

today morning having lesson, it's good to hand in something on time. Have lunch with XZ, having seen her for a long time~~i'm just thinking the days we will be together will not long, i must treasure these days...there are so many things i want to do!

yesterday my phone found over billed...$!need to change plan

in the afternoon having the discussion about ecumenism, talking about different denominations, the unity of all Christians...quite match with EM's spirit..haha..wish all Christians come together and fight against the enemy! and have a short nap...and have class again, at night prepare things for tomorrow meeting, sending emails, receive and make calls...that's what i do everyday

the bad thing is that you can never continue to concentrate on one thing, one thing not quite pleasant, but unescapable

i remember one day i was having heavy headache, and then i just cannot receive any call anymore, but i need the phone to be the alarmer..and i plan to sleep at 9pm but finally still it's 12pm...that night i really wanted to die...

times flies. It's already the end of Jan now.

I wanted to keep everything to myself, cos i don't want anyone to share my burden while what they had are already heavy enough...but it seems here is a good outlet here to breathe,
Jeannie said i should share, but i'm not used to it, maybe i like writing more than speaking it out

I asked God yesterday, i supposed when i serve you, i would have joy! I don't want to lose it!
Teach me please~

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

what's the point of all these?

i need prayers...

Monday, January 29, 2007

the sun is shining =)

I'm now in the library...waiting to send the UU application...

Today morning I joined the Joint prayer meeting, i am really moved by the group, that they are not from specific christians group but just pray for the revival and unity in CU...when Eliphas said "We've been praying for MSHH for long, now the soil is soft enough for us and ppl later to work on". I really think what we can do here, to make harvest or so is solely the results from people before who prayed for the soil and heart of people, we are just doing the final easy step. I'm really thankful to God that He is amazingly raising up these people who have heart for CU and pray for CU continuously, the reward is reserved for them, not us.

God is reminding me these days too that i was too busy to have a private time with Him. Seeing Babel one scene is like this: when Brad Pitt's wife was hurting and at some embarassed moments, Pitt said to the Palestinian beside: can you leave us alone to have some private time?
and yesterday when God was telling me to pray, i just say: now i have something to do, let me to go to the library first. but he didn't let me, that i found i dropped my student card somewhere, sum called me at that time when i just before stepped into the library, and i know i need to pray at that time.

The same situation happened yesterday when i was going to "da wei" to meet Debbie, but God use a call to stop me, and then we change the plan. Then at that time i met E tin, my GPA group mother, who was one of the person i deserately finding after i come back, for i lost contact to her for long, we talked a bit and share, she is now working for a local newspaper here but she is going to change her job "I think i saw enough things..i'm thinking to change my direction...but i need time to re-educate myself and adapt to it," "It's good for you to know what you want to do,"

I was just thinking i'm a very lucky person, at least i know my next step...i really don't want to spend time trialing around until the moment i die regreting what i should have done...i really don't want to... Isn't it a blessing if you just straightly start doing the thing you want to do? Instead of spending years for elimination process...

the regular prayer meeting i mention above is 7:45am every monday outside "University Station" , please join us

"It's really painful if you are doing something you find meaningless everyday"

"It's really painful if you want to cry but the moment you cannot do it" I heard from a brother and a sister these days.

I do not have these experience, but i can imagine how painful it is

and yesterday afternoon i experienced how dark and painful it is when God's spirit leave me, it's hopeless, dark, sadness and loneliness altogether, and just without motivation to do anything, you feel your spirit is dying

I don't know why God let me have such experience(or I know), kind of spiritual attack i suppose, but at the same time remind me why people need God, the feeling of people live without God, that is the spirit desperately asking for help from outside...

i never want to forget why we need God.

yesterday i was telling Ruby that i missed the time to share with her, i spend a whole morning with her, but i didn't open my heart for sharing...i just don't know what i was waiting

sometimes i just want to spell out my feeling strictly, sometimes i think i was too fast ignoriong others' feeling...quite paradoxical...but gradually i accept that it's me

anyway...seems this post long enough, thanks for reading!

I just know that Big shan has her animation published and was introduced in a RTHK programme, God is really using everyone's gift to glorify Him and bring people to Him~~Add oil ar Shana~~

also today is Monkey's birthday, Happy Birthday!!Hope your "David" Film come out soon~~
now we watch "High friend full seats" sin la~~haha~~add oil!

Look outside, the sun is shining beautifully today =)

sha lala lalala...sha la la in the morning...wowowo

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yesterday was mom's birthday~but she went to week sin celebrate..
but sumsum took some of her friends come to D youths zhen hai ...should tell me first ma~

and then we have a very good sharing and praying time after service...really miss the day when i first join the fellowship we are really "soak" ar~every praying time is memorable to me~~
and then have lunch with Yeeyee, have a good time to talk to her and a "dove round" in "Tin Dou" book store, read a book about a pastor in Indonesia, remind me many things of a life a servant should be...

then back to CU, quite frustrating finding the journals~

then eat with Debbie, with her friend Jennifer, Sandy and Stephen~
and then back hostel~~

I'm really slow doing my things~~~SLOW~!i hate delaying delaying and delaying~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 27, 2007

剛收到二姑媽的電郵, 她已經回到美國去了
記得上個星期在哥哥的婚禮裡面, 最後走的時候抱著的二姑媽的眼睛是閃亮的
離開香港很久的她, 一定是很記掛Mama, 伯伯,大姑媽,爸爸,我們, 和香港的一切了
記得小時候她教我把荔枝剝成燈籠的樣子, 二姑媽是一名護士,她對我們家裡每個人都很細心, 我們每個人的生日她一定記得, 會叫表弟表妹寫card 來, 收到的時候總有很窩心的感覺, 雖然她不是基督徒, 但她卻給人許多許多的愛, 令我很羨慕, 也很喜歡跟她聊天.我覺得自己常常說錯話, 但她說話總是給人很大方得體, 很尊重人的感覺, 真的很想學習!

昨天剛收到麗平的禮物, 很開心呀~真的很感謝神讓我認識她, 其實一個trainer要做的事情不需要很多, 但已經很感動了~她所說的正是我要學習的, 要慢慢努力~一個trainer 應該就是你在她面前可以暢所欲言, 把心中一切的問題憂慮說出來的吧, 需要的可能不是解決的方法, 而是一把聆聽的耳朵, 願意分擔的心

容易說, 卻不容易做呀~

昨天跟Ruby 去看巴別塔, 某些情景真的很震撼~這個世界實在很需要愛, 但當這份愛得不著滿足的時候, 人用其他的方法, 或自己的意思, 結果卻可以很令人悲傷, 用在今天的情景, 巴別塔, 是甚麼意思呢?另外, 槍, 怒氣都是很危險, 令人害怕的東西---人以為用怒氣,激動去解決問題, 卻往往把情況弄得更糟~別人說Brad Pitt 只出場十分鐘沒有意思, 但我覺得他的演技卻不斷進步, 覺得他是一個很好的演員~~!

這陣子跟EM大家開始會表達自己的要求, 希望大家明白吧~自己還是學習的當中, 盼望神在整個過程帶領,祝福,我要學習Miu的長處: 要懂得delegate! 放手~要不然會死的, 還有很感謝他們每個的鼓勵與提醒

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Yuen個xanga有個測驗, 都好詳細wor~

對ENTP 人的描述:友好可愛,坦率直言﹔才思敏捷,精力充沛,玩世不恭﹔富有想象力和創新精神﹔好奇靈活,不可預見的﹔有邏輯性,善于分析

the test:

my analysis:

我樣樣都係arm arm 合格呀~哈~~
外向型: 55%- 直覺型: 62.5%- 理智型: 52.5%- 熟思型: 52.5%

see Yuen today ar~hope you recover soon~
and thanks God for the Chi. Med. Cell, hope it would come out be a impressive one~~need prayers
pray with Sabrina, pray with Yee Lan... i need prayers to support my life!

this weekend will be Mom's and Debbie's to celebrate ho le?
let me think think~need God's plan ar!!

these days i have two movies want to watch very much~Babel and Paris Je t'aime~~

EM now we need a professional Christian director for the drama...where to find?hope you appear soon ar~~~where are you?

thanks hong for the contacts...hope God will give us a good singer in EM~

5/2 we will have a prayer meeting for the unity and vision sharing for CU
7:00pm at MMW LT2, remember to come la~~

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I just want to beBut these days my feeling is like...

and ....
I should be doing the application....give me the motivation...

thanks for listening to me

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

All people who seek God will find Him

God not only loves me or few people, He loves YOU! He wants to give the best blessings to you! He has reserved them especially for you, ask Him! I'm 200% sure!

Now I pray for you, let all your problems, difficulties, situations, wishes, hopes, bad things, handover to him, handover to him!Let Him be your REAL LORD! You can experience Him, he's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Amazing!




我祈禱神給我一個較清晰的答案--如果是去Bible School,是現在嗎?



昨天在Gmail的時候突然一個瑞典那裡教會的女孩跟我聊天,我們已經一段時間沒有聯絡,但她再次提起Bible School的事情,之後的下午,我竟然碰到一個year2認識的弟兄,他問起我前路的問題,我說讀聖經學校,我再說教會的名字,然後他說"我當然認識!(我沒有想過)"能夠去那裡讀書是神的祝福,是神的祝福!"他連續說了好幾次,我真的感謝神!當我需要一個更明顯的引證的時候神很快就給我回應.

我說"那你也去吧~ "



今天晚上上了一課Ecumenism, Evangelicalism, Pentacostalism, 掙扎了好久要不要選這個kill人的科目,諮詢了好幾個人的意見最後決定做了一個比較不理性的決定(可能是盼望奇蹟出現的性格緣故,又或者不想被這個世界框框了吧)

晚上已經準備了回家休息,好好準備明天和以後的事情,誰想到在下課的時候一位女生問我要補要陪她去她朋友那裡拿書,順便探望他們,因為今天是她的生日.她是一個人來香港的,我想陪她也好,我初是聽不清楚是甚麼山,以為是文林那邊的山莊,所以我就說好 ,就去了









願神祝福所有尋求祂的人! =)



感謝神呀~一星期的生日就這樣過去了, 也是我生命中難忘的一年!我細心一數, 今年總共收到57個天使來的祝福呢~包括禮物, E-card,電話, Card, 生日歌, sms, Email ...WOWOWOW~~~~~
多謝天父, 也多謝所有愛我, 和我愛的人~~~

雖然沒有人留言.....哈~可能無人睇我個blog~~但我感謝你們的心意~~希望我這裡不是對空氣說話, 而是對你, 在這裡關心我的人說聲感謝你!


之前EM籌委已經perform左個十粒星的魔術表演啦~之後原來仲有好beautiful 的card!~畫得好liang 呀~~星期五中間分享了YRC的感受, 都好感動呀~~希望我們繼續學習, 還有很多東西讓我們一同成長呢~~希望之後會再有機會去玩BANG!卡啦~~CRUnaction小組的分享也讓我有許多感受~我覺得大家在成長的階段好像慢慢不同的東西做了settle down 的決定...雖然自己還不知道會怎麼樣....但是一同經歷, 分享實在是很難得的事情! 夜晚回家同屋企吃飯, 好開心呀~~去了小矮人餐廳, 吃最平時吃的番茄牛tongue 飯(打唔到), 夜晚同心心夾歌, 係新出的團契遊樂園譜+CD! 但係最好聽依然係"讓我高飛", 無計啦, 主打始終係主打~~~Irene 黎過夜呀~~好開心~~但因為我太累了, 結果第二天一齊吃早餐~~~然後同中學同學聚, 好開心呀~~多謝玲玲同Annie打ge 電話~~Natalie, 韋百琪, 林可兒, 劈榮呀~放"監"之後第一次見ja~~~D tea 我會飲ga la, xiexienimen~~~週會時收到向真的 Brothers Karamazov開心死啦~~我想看很久了, 但是很明顯要續借很多次都看不完...向真真知道我的心意~~我一定會睇saiga ~~~週會時見到Kris, 週會時間剛好讓我們足夠分享加祈禱~~好有意義的一個週會~~~多謝Ruby送的Headphone, 因為有一次我跟她提過我的ear phone有一邊壞了, 有時候想聽worship song要走上UC呢,跟住佢就買個Headphone la ~~~仲見到馬來西亞的傳道人, 剛好他知道我生日, 送了一張一元馬比還有今年很多人送書給我~~希望看得完, 還有4 個calender, 我想神是要提醒我數算自己的日子吧~~謝謝kalun and big k...我想真的EM要用到~~Miu 送左意味深長的"dice"~星期六返團契, arm arm 團慶打邊爐wor~跟住去左Hagendaaz老單請食雪糕~~好豪呀~我地留生日歌給___, 之後竟然收到她的電話!好掛住~~~你呀~~~快D返黎啦~~星期日簡短祈禱後去跟Irene吃飯, 終於有時間大家可以慢慢坐下來分享~~雖然Irene仍然覺得我的生活一片混亂~雖然我一點也不覺得, 哈~跟住同潔麗食Tea,幫我一齊買了幾件衫~~我返黎第二次shopping!!~~平時都沒有時間...但我係D打唔定主意的人,尤其買衫,一定要D夠眼光的人陪我先得ga~~好開心~~雖然Cru2的聚會取消了,但麗平會約wor~~所以都好期待下次gather呀~~

多謝Adriane美國來的電話, 好突然但開心呀~~仲有個瑞典miss call...但現在也不知道誰打來呢....>.< 收到許多瑞典來的祝福,彷彿又提醒了許多我在那邊認識的人和片段...

有人為我祝福我快D死, 係呀, 係我的願望, 舊我快D死麻~~~
有人送張卡, 喂, 多謝你呀~
D大卡我會貼上board ga~~~I love Ruby!!

星期日晚就去了Jojo Joseph家,期待已久的CMB聚!嘩!係肉骨茶,咖哩雞同好多好好味的"食送"Jojo D手勢好掂呀~~聽了大家最近的分享,雖然覺得時間好像很不夠~但這樣的分享很開心呀~不知道為甚麼很喜歡"家訪",每次總有很warm的感覺,以後自己都要多Dopen自己間屋先~~=P


p.s.::aiko:hitomi:送給所有最近生日的人~Jesus loves you!

Thursday, January 11, 2007




1. 最大願望是爸爸, 女麻女麻能夠信主(最好二姑媽,伯伯一家, 姑媽姑丈哥哥一家都信就好啦)

2. 一家人身體健康

3. 今年EM能夠成為中大的祝福, 籌備的, 參與的都能蒙神的愛和恩典澆灌, 生命的突破


1. 學習愛

2. 建立更一個合神心意的品格~~特別要學習謙卑,誠實,節制和生命聖潔

3. 不受別人的想法限制, 只做討神喜悅的事情
多謝天父, 謝謝Lily和Joseph, Ruby還有每一個跟我講生日快樂的人, 我愛你們!^^
真的, 謝謝你~

Thursday, January 04, 2007

今日見professor又順利過關啦~真的很感謝神!之前原來自己大頭蝦忘記了約他的日子, 以為是今天, 但professor又12點先到, 所以額外有多45分鐘重做一份原本做得不好的thesis plan, 而且傾談中也讓他看到我有pay過effort去做,所以很感謝神呢~~希望最後做出來至少自己盡過力, 是滿意的就好了

今日EM開會, Joe 話入camp前都要開會好辛苦, 其實真係多謝一班籌委的辛勞
同埋今日的魔術表演~~謝謝阿源真人演出同嘉程同Caroline 兩位歡樂小姐~~真係感人至深呀~多謝Caroline同Jessica ge 禮物~~我好鐘意呀~~^^


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

睇左今日排舞, 終於見到劉華, 同幅相一樣樣, 哈~感謝神的預備, 才讓我們遇到這位排舞師~真的好好~我看著他們練習的時候, 我深信神要使用每一個弟兄姊妹去榮耀祂, 我覺得今天看見的十六個人, 兩個月後就會變得完全不一樣...在台上榮耀神....好想快D睇呀~Caroline, 辛苦sai la~!
interview過左, 好開心呀~結果如何我都不理了, 就算申請到都未必讀到...因為發現課程轉左...但無論如何知道神會帶領, 我就不想甚麼了. 謝謝Irene~你永遠是我最大的support~~~!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

你是我從地極所領來的,從地角所召來的,且對你說,你是我的僕人,我揀選你並不棄絕你。【賽 41:9】


這兩天呆在學校快要發毛毛了......份thesis 好令人頭疼...

Monday, January 01, 2007

new 2007!

nothing bad has happened...means all things happened are good!
see it positively~~aiyaya~

gonna have a new start
prepare for the best!