Watch Lebanon! Let's pray for this place
July 14, 2006
Chuck Pierce: On January 29, 2006, the Lord suddenly said, "WATCH LEBANON!" and "OUT OF DAMASCUS WILL COME A NEW MOVE OF MY SPIRIT!"
Watch Lebanon!
On January 29, 2006, when I was speaking in a church service at Jubilee Church in Camarillo, CA., the Lord began to speak to me about Lebanon.
One of the things they do at Jubilee is pray for the nations each Sunday. When I saw the flag of Lebanon, it was lit up by the Holy Spirit for me to see. The Lord then began to quicken a prophetic word to me.
He said, "Watch Lebanon!"
Not only was He speaking to that church and the people there, as a personal call for them to watch over the nation of Lebanon, but I felt like He was speaking to us as His people, that Lebanon would become a real prayer focus and issue this year. I was hesitant to interrupt the service and give this word, because I was not confident about who in the service would understand the concept of Lebanon today. However, I am glad that I heeded the Lord's voice that He was calling us to pray for Lebanon this year.
Chuck Pierce's Word--Prophesied on January 29, 2006 in Camarillo, CA
"In the midst of the summer at the hottest point, you will begin to see the snow of Lebanon melt. Watch as Palestine and Syria form an ungodly alliance with Lebanon. For Lebanon is at the end of the fork of the road of change for the Middle East. Lebanon will become an issue that causes the Middle East to go one way or the other."
"In the midst of the beauty and grandeur of this place, I will begin to write a new script over how the nations will realign."
"Out of Lebanon, a new wineskin will form, and a new river will begin to rise."
"I will bring conflict into Lebanon, because it is the boundary that I will deal with this year concerning My promised land of Israel. The warlike tribes of Lebanon will once again arise. But in the end, I will win this war, and the riches that have been withheld from My Kingdom plan will be released."
"Watch and see, for there is a new vision. For in the days ahead, you will hear a cry arise from the deep affliction and mourning that comes out of Lebanon. Out of the ancient city of Damascus, you will see a caravan arise. I, 'Ancient of Days,' will create a conflict in Damascus. My power will be displayed to the world, when I break the confederation of demonic hosts that are aligned against My covenant plan."
"Out of Damascus will come a new move of My Spirit. Many conversions and miracles will occur in the region that surrounds Damascus. Watch, because I am realigning the nations of this region. I will send angelic forces to guard My plan. No matter how Syria arises against that plan at this time, I will have warring angelic forces that will counteract the plan of men that are aligned with evil forces to create havoc.
"Sing the songs of the Ancient of Days for it is those songs that will create the sound of victory over the lands of this region."
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