Friday, July 28, 2006

夏令會實在太開心啦!!!!!!!!認識了很多在北歐的華人基督徒,認識了很多好朋友, 還有我最喜愛的Emma,很開心能夠與她同工!當然認識了約翰組的組長Ben和各位組員Bobo,霞,信玲,Joseph,馬生馬太,覺得很開心~~~~

之後一個禮拜的Livets Ord又是另外一個驚喜, 每天有三個service, 我實在實在實在不想你們錯過!!!每天當地時間 10am, 3:30pm, 7:3opm,到這個網址 -> internet broadcasting , 我可能沒有時間去介紹這個教會和這個會議的背景, 但我感謝神(x100000000000000000000)今年我能夠參與在當中, 今天早上聽康希的講道實在精采到不得了,學了很多很多, 中午的從印度New Dehli來的Thomas George 牧師講關於印度正在發生的事情, 太好了....,晚上Colin Dye又講到關於神對歐洲教會的計畫...每天的收穫實在太太太太豐富了!!~~我都寫下來了, 不過最好還是你們自己看service, 神的訊息會撼動你們每一個!!!



Monday, July 17, 2006

Let's pray for Israel

July 16, 2006

Avner Boskey: (writing FROM Israel)

This is a short report of details of today's fighting, followed by a brief analysis, and then specific prayer requests.

Today (Sunday July 16) is the fifth day of the "bein hameitzarim" or "dire straits" period (see under the "words" section, Feb 21 2005 newsletter, also, a period of extreme spiritual danger for Israel. This period lasts up to the 9 th of Av (Thursday August 3). It is a time of urgent heightened prayer for Israel and her survival.

Each of the five days of war has seen increased escalation between Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel.

So far nearly 800 katyusha rockets have been fired into Israel. Over 500 Israelis have been wounded. Up until today 4 Israelis have been killed by the rockets.

Today (Sunday) has seen a rapid escalation. Close to 9:15 am five Fajr long-range Iranian built katyusha rockets were fired by Hezbollah at the Krayot Haifa industrial area. One hit a train repair warehouse, killing 8 and wounding 13. The explosive munitions on this rocket are stronger than all the other katyusha land attacks Israel has seen to this point. In this one attac k today more Israelis have died than in the past four days.

Hezbollah immediately announced on its al-Manar TV station that Israel should not responded 'stupidly', otherwise Hezbollah threatened that it would begin to target Haifa's petrochemical refineries . This area is adjacent to Israel's third largest city, and many Israelis live directly beside these refineries.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that this heavier rocket attack would have far-reaching ramifications on the northern border and for the entire area.

Over the past hour four developments have happened:

1. All Israelis living between Haifa and Tel Aviv have been warned to heighten awareness for the possibility of incoming Hezbollah missiles . The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has concluded (based on the Chinese-made Iranian C-802 missile attack against its Saar-5 missile boat on Friday night) that Iran has transferred much technology and weaponry to Hezbollah. This would include the Zilzal missile with a range of 160 km, and other missiles with a range of up to 200 km. These missiles would put much of Israel's population on the coastal plain within range.

2. General Udi Adam of Israel's Northern Command has strongly suggested to all inhabitants of southern Lebanon to move northward toward Beirut immediately. The cut-off time on this warning is 1 pm Israeli-Lebanese time, a warning of 90 minutes total. The warning was broadcast by Arabic radio and by Arabic leaflets . Adam stated that since these people are human shields for Hezbollah's katyusha attacks, Israel is about to strike back and would prefer that non-combatants leave the area for their own safety. He stated that the IDF's target is Hezbollah and that they will make every effort not to hit Christian areas or the Lebanese Forces (which are primarily Maronite Christian). The area delineated includes Bint Jbeil and Nabatiya.

This effort to avoid civilian casualties is typical of IDF policies during war. Most of the katyusha rockets are hidden i n living rooms and basements throughout southern Lebanon, as is Hezbollah's local command structure. General Adam's warning will cause an immediate flow of refugees toward Beirut, in the range of 200,000 to 300,000.

3. The IDF Home Command is forbidden local and foreign news media to give real-time specific locations of where katyusha rockets have fallen, in order to prevent Hezbollah gu nners (who are monitoring Israeli and world TV) from adjusting their sights and honing in on targets. All merchant marine boats in Haifa harbor have been encouraged to lift anchor and move out into the Mediterranean.

4. Iran has threatened Israel not to attack Syria, warning that if Israel does this the consequences will be unimaginable. Syria has just announced that if they are attacked, they will respond harshly. Syria is armed with hundreds of North Korean Scud-C missiles, many of them having chemical warheads of VX and Sarin gas. Their accuracy is within 15 meters (50 feet) and they can hit Beersheva and possibly even Eilat . All Hezbollah weaponry and training is coming from Syria and Iran, including real-time military advisors on location.

What next ?

Hezbollah will increase long-range rocket attacks on major Israeli cities like Tiberias, Hadera, and possibly even Netanya and Tel Aviv.

It is highly likely that the petrochemical industries in the Krayot area of Haifa will be targeted and hit . This would create an environmental problem of large proportions, and would necessitate the evacuation of many civilians from the adjoining areas.

Intense Israeli bombings of Hezbollah targets and infrastructure in south Lebanon is next , accompanied by insertion of Special Forces by sea, air and land.

A huge amount of refugees will flow toward Beirut.

There is significant danger that Syria and Iran will try to join the battle against Israel, hoping that this would trigger a global Islamic jihad against Israel and the West.

How to pray?

1. Pray for God to deflect Hezbollah missiles away from their targets. This happened in the 1991 Gulf War and it can happen again as we pray.

2. Pray for the safety of all Israelis targeted by Hezbollah rockets and missiles.

3. Pray for a revelation of Yeshua as Messiah and atonement to many in Israel right now.

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4. Pray for the protection of the many south Lebanese who are soon to become refugees.

5. Pray for those Hezbollah fighting against Israel to either be saved or to be totally crushed.

6. Protection for Israeli soldiers fighting, and especially for those Messianic Jewish believers presently involved in the war.

7. Pray for God to reveal and counter Syrian and Iranian strategies to the IDF generals, as He did in 2 Kings 6 in Elisha's day.

8. Ask the God of Israel to hook you up to His prayer request line – to download to you directly and in real time what needs to be prayed for. This is what Rees Howell experienced during WW II, in a time when there were no TVs, no cell phones and no interner.

In IHT 16th July 2006:
'At an underground parking lot in Beirut, some 2,000 families, many of them from the south, were camped out Sunday night after abandoning their villages. Hani Mudaid, from Mashrafieh, said: "I saw all the bad things of the war. It's very hard for me now to see my kids see them too."'

'Nasrallah promised Israel "new surprises" and said Hezbollah had "no choice" but to hit Haifa. "As long as the enemy acts without limitations or red lines, it's our right to continue the confrontation without limits," he said in a taped speech televised on Hezbollah's Al Manar television. Nasrallah appeared from the waist up to be unhurt, despite unconfirmed reports that he had been wounded in an Israeli strike on his bunker in southern Beirut.'

'In Iran, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called Hezbollah "a genuine Islamic movement whose progress should become an example for the Muslim world."'

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Watch Lebanon! Let's pray for this place

July 14, 2006

Chuck Pierce: On January 29, 2006, the Lord suddenly said, "WATCH LEBANON!" and "OUT OF DAMASCUS WILL COME A NEW MOVE OF MY SPIRIT!"

Watch Lebanon!

On January 29, 2006, when I was speaking in a church service at Jubilee Church in Camarillo, CA., the Lord began to speak to me about Lebanon.

One of the things they do at Jubilee is pray for the nations each Sunday. When I saw the flag of Lebanon, it was lit up by the Holy Spirit for me to see. The Lord then began to quicken a prophetic word to me.

He said, "Watch Lebanon!"

Not only was He speaking to that church and the people there, as a personal call for them to watch over the nation of Lebanon, but I felt like He was speaking to us as His people, that Lebanon would become a real prayer focus and issue this year. I was hesitant to interrupt the service and give this word, because I was not confident about who in the service would understand the concept of Lebanon today. However, I am glad that I heeded the Lord's voice that He was calling us to pray for Lebanon this year.

Chuck Pierce's Word--Prophesied on January 29, 2006 in Camarillo, CA

"In the midst of the summer at the hottest point, you will begin to see the snow of Lebanon melt. Watch as Palestine and Syria form an ungodly alliance with Lebanon. For Lebanon is at the end of the fork of the road of change for the Middle East. Lebanon will become an issue that causes the Middle East to go one way or the other."

"In the midst of the beauty and grandeur of this place, I will begin to write a new script over how the nations will realign."

"Out of Lebanon, a new wineskin will form, and a new river will begin to rise."

"I will bring conflict into Lebanon, because it is the boundary that I will deal with this year concerning My promised land of Israel. The warlike tribes of Lebanon will once again arise. But in the end, I will win this war, and the riches that have been withheld from My Kingdom plan will be released."

"Watch and see, for there is a new vision. For in the days ahead, you will hear a cry arise from the deep affliction and mourning that comes out of Lebanon. Out of the ancient city of Damascus, you will see a caravan arise. I, 'Ancient of Days,' will create a conflict in Damascus. My power will be displayed to the world, when I break the confederation of demonic hosts that are aligned against My covenant plan."

"Out of Damascus will come a new move of My Spirit. Many conversions and miracles will occur in the region that surrounds Damascus. Watch, because I am realigning the nations of this region. I will send angelic forces to guard My plan. No matter how Syria arises against that plan at this time, I will have warring angelic forces that will counteract the plan of men that are aligned with evil forces to create havoc.

"Sing the songs of the Ancient of Days for it is those songs that will create the sound of victory over the lands of this region."

God's so wonderful!


到了Lindy家裡,她以學生的身分住在一個瑞典的家庭,我覺得這樣很好,有自己獨立的房間,但也可以過瑞典的家庭生活,而且瑞典的家庭是漂亮到不得了的,就跟IKEA的catalog裡面一樣。我買了她們最喜歡的goodies(瑞典糖果)和帶了一些之前Chihiro一個日本女孩送的玄米茶過去,她們很喜歡啊!感謝神。之後我們一起吃Taco Dinner,南美洲的晚餐,其實是麵粉圓餅包著沙律,牛肉碎,芝士,青瓜,蕃茄,玉米,青瓜醬和Taco醬,還有一些三角形的薯片一起吃。那是瑞典人的family dinner,其實也不是太特別,好在容易準備,挺健康的。

但就在這些簡單的報置下,我們吃著吃著,談了很多事情,教會,人生理想,家人,在神裡面的經歷,就如同認識了許久的朋友家常便飯一樣。我之前跟神講:神啊,要重新建立新的關係很辛苦的,今日的我不想social,也沒有力量了,你為何叫我去呢?但神就是很奇妙的,我不用花任何力氣與精神,很快她們就講到我心裡面的話去了,還說了很多鼓勵我的說話,讓我知道自己的信心太小。之後我們從廚房搬到客廳,點著蠟燭,一起吃Lindy作的巧克力walnut蛋糕,喝玄米茶,有講有笑的,我想好久沒有girlstalk的聚會了,很開心啊!之後我們輪流彈琴,唱讚美的詩歌,我閉著眼睛,心裡面很平靜,很享受。我們讚美的時候覺得很感動,因為神的愛就在我們中間。之後Lindy隨即開始禱告,我們也一起禱告,她們輪流為我禱告,我覺得很感動,因為神是這麼愛我,祂居然使用我第一次見的姐妹來安慰我,鼓勵我,當然我也為她們禱告啦,神在她們生命中有很美的旨意(這句話不是為講而講,是真的!)Madeleine為我禱告到哭了,我不知道為什麼,我只是很感謝她。我之前的憂慮,不懂怎樣跟外國的弟兄姐妹相處消失了,神不單在禱告裡面鼓勵我,還在我生活裡面感受到祂對我的愛。我怎樣能夠懷疑,我怎樣能夠再害怕呢?祂必有預備!踏單車每次到Livets Ord的路,都是遠的,我幾乎每次都會跟神說;神啊,我怎能有力量回去呢?但每次的結果都是我開心到不得了,神的喜樂承載著我滿滿的平安回家。我心裡面只有感恩。


Saturday, July 15, 2006

要求高就代表自己可以成為更好的人嗎? 不是的......不過是自義的心作祟吧,損人不利己,何必呢?



現在以色列跟黎巴嫩邊界緊張,傷亡人數每天在增加,有些北部地方更是旅行中曾經接近過的...感謝神的保守, 剛好在中間我們去的時候平安,希望緊張的氣氛不要在加增,求神保守這個地方


Friday, July 14, 2006

I don't know why i need to keep myself away from you!!


每天踏單車到城裡買東西, 經過美麗的林蔭大道,
瑞典的夏天陽光好燦爛 還有涼風吹拂
早上的我起來看聖經, 祈禱, 有時候去跑步
下午看書, 見朋友,fika,祈禱會,寫日記等等
閒時做飯, 可以用不同的材料嚐試不同的配搭,因為之前corridormate留下很多不同的香料,吃不完的食物等等
之前雖然想煲紅豆沙, "lone"左好唔開心, 又試過因為pack唔到行李好唔開心, 又試過因為聯繫不到一個瑞典家庭好唔開心, 因為想到自己好多缺點唔開心, 因為自己達不到原本在這裡訂下的目標好唔開心


有一次我還令到自己精神緊張,搞到頭痛tim ar~我問自己: 麥明因, 點解你可以在一個不用工作,不用讀書,沒有不好的人際關係,沒有任何壓力的環境下緊張到頭痛同唔開心???? 這完全是不可理解的!你不要跟自己過不去!!


因為我父已愛我, 這是最重要的!


媽咪,我開始明白你之前說為我擔心的原因了,我明白了! 我釋放了!!

還有Ruby說要我們寫下三樣感恩的事情, 讓我們記得天父多愛我們!
好吧, 其實有太多:
1) 我感謝神,因為他為我連同我的罪,我內心的污穢,不良善,軟弱釘死在十字架, 我以後與那些東西完全沒有關係!我可以依靠祂,過我從來未有想像過那麼輕鬆而且有動力的生活. 祂的救恩完備,祂是永活之神!

2) 我感謝神,因為在我看不開的時候,總派些天使提醒我幫助我,把我從無謂的思想掙扎拯救出來
3) 我感謝神對我生活安排,小事情的看顧, 沈牧師今年剛舉家回香港(他們已經六年沒有回香港),可以幫助我減少一些行李的負擔!(之前我一直苦惱我還有大約43kg行李,我很不想留下那些書,但我剛發現原來我的行李可以帶40kg而不是30kg!!那事情安排容易多了!而且原本我的租約已經到期,本來準備要到朋友家待,但後來她們讓我可以延長租期,實在太好了)

但我決心要 靠神 脫離這種忙亂的生活, 我在瑞典可以說做到了,我看見神一步一步教我,我回到香港以後,我靠著祂,也必能做到! 我奉主耶穌基督的名擊破這個"忙碌"的捆綁!!我實在太痛恨牠了!

我很期待下星期的夏令會,這是北歐華人每年的大事,有幾百個參與者從北歐不同國家來到瑞典, 當中有講道,工作坊,祈禱,晚會,還有人會在湖裡洗禮!!之後一個星期就是Livets Ord的夏令特會, 上年有8000人參加!!!是Livets Ord每年最大型的活動, 每天有祈禱會和三次訊息分享,邀請一些知名的牧師,佈道家來演講,世界各地不同的人在這幾天都來到Uppsala就為了參加這個特會,所以我感謝神在我回到香港之前參加這兩次盛事,我帶著興奮的心情期待著!


I love you, my Lord!~


I don't know why i need to keep myself away from you!

you, you, and you!

昨天跟了一個許久沒有聯絡的朋友msn,看見你現在的發展為你感到高興,看見澄的xanga又讓我想起很多往事,我們的理想跟昨天一樣,可能表達,尋找的方式不同,但其實, 我們都沒有變過. 你要努力啊!^^

Saturday, July 08, 2006


哪一天開始你決心翻開聖經, 哪一天開始你的生命就會發生一發不可收拾的改變
你生命的憂慮困難將會一一離你而去, 你的軟弱會被挪去;

生命的方向 變得不再一樣了=D

Friday, July 07, 2006






Wednesday, July 05, 2006





你現在的內心追求的什麼? 這是否你真的很想得到的東西? 又或者,你正在用盡辦法去完成一些東西, 但那些又是否我們生命真正應該追求的呢?


真正看到而用行動去實踐的, 才是幸福的人. 阿光,支持你呀!!>.<


我發覺自己真的有很多東西都未懂,未成熟. 盼望我的老我快點死掉,就結出很多美好的子粒了!


狠心delete了幾個post, 還是看不到這個網頁呢....

很多東西想寫啊, blogger, 你快好吧....

其實沒寫很久了, 但我的日記卻一日一日加增它上面的痕跡

冰島和以色列都太精采了, 很想好好的寫
