Irene's baptism
Irene今日洗禮, 恭喜恭喜!!
遺憾我未能在現場為你見證, 但心中卻與你一般的喜樂
願神在你身上的祝福不斷, 也希望你一家人也早日信主-----大家一起努力吧!!
睇下我一年前和一年後的變化, 細個左5年!
今日本來準備和winnie,rebecca,ben去stigtuna, 但早上的靈修提醒我....突然間很想很想敬拜神!!很想很想禱告, 所以臨時改變計畫, 到教會去了...今天領聖餐, 記得第一次領是在2001年12月2日...不知不覺已經第四年啦, 想起這四年....嘩, 很多東西都變了, 但是是變好了:D
Pam 都話我個樣唔同左...佢話我以前好似好貪玩個隻wor....hey...做人係唔可以睇外表ge...其實我依家都係咁貪玩....不過要好熟好熟先會去到個個level...如果唔係一係就會好靜...一係
今日Pastor Ulf講到人係要open to change ge
人生在不同的階段都會有不同的calling, 好似摩西咁以前係Deliverer, 行神蹟奇事, 十災,過紅海, 好英雄咁, 但曠野裡面呢, 就要做pastor,處理以色列人的大小事務, 大至生死審斷, 小至鄰理紛爭都要理. 雖然後面一個calling好像沒有那麼重要, 沒有那麼轟轟烈烈, 但其實不然, 做pastor對人生命的影響更多, 更重要, 那麼摩西就要順服在那個情景裡面神要他所作的
So sometimes the past experience is not enought for us to deal with situations today, tha's why we need to keep ourselves every day in Lord and be refresh by His word and spirit
and be relevant to society is very important, people know you are 'live' with them, deal with the same situations and problems but use another strategy, that's important
open to change, be relevant today
also another point is that it is you to decide whether or not to change, and when u change, it's better u carry out that change than for other to change/make the decision for you
'it's better for you to do that way'
'no...!u're not gonna do that'
and before and after change, think
think is dangerous
because when you think, something will got to be change
Satan is so afriad when u 'think'
thinking what's all about, thinking what's implication, what's the results
and also be flexible
Paul didn't said 'I'm something for something'
'I can only do worhsip, i cannot teach'
'I can only serve the Chinese but not German'
of course change does not mean that u need to change whenever chance came, it's only when God needs u to do so, recognize what can be changed, also what cannot, but prepared for it
Paul is so flexible that he said he was all for all, so that he can win 'some'
I feel that i'm changing, i hope it's part of God's plan:p
changing is not only a process, but a status too
blessing to you all(esp Irene:D), change vividly and with more and more beauty and abundance in God
Oh...Thanks a lots!
Wish you enjoy the remaining time in Sweden (esp with GDO)!!
change... i need a big change in a part of my life too... the part still so immature. bless u sis.
Dearest Irene,
係呀, 要珍惜剩下來的時間,無幾多ga la:)
Joseph, 為我禱告啦,好叫我專心尋求神的旨意:)
西門,我深信神在呢一刻已經在你身上工作啦,交俾神啦,thx for your blessing, pray for you~^^
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