Monday, October 24, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

"It should be mandatory for everyone ... to see Hotel Rwanda. The carnage it graphically shows and the lessons it painfully teaches should be burned into every soul."

"A wrenching fact-based account of the 1994 genocide in which extremist Rwandan militias slaughtered almost a million countrymen in little more than three months, "Hotel Rwanda" skillfully explores the horrifyingly general through the agonizingly specific. "

"As it should, Hotel Rwanda leaves you feeling exhausted and wrung-out. The film has been compared to Schindler's List, chiefly because of the similar portrayal of a privileged man driven to unexpected heroism"

"Make no mistake - Hotel Rwanda is not a film made for Rwandans, nor for anyone who already knows about the Rwandan tragedy of 1994. It's a film aimed squarely at the world, at people who may have heard something about genocide in Africa, but who were either never presented with the full horror of the situation or simply didn't think much about it.

這個故事, 它的故事, 人物和真實性都有著強大的震撼力, 描述人的非理性, 暴力的醜惡, 在災難面前的人的自私自我...
裡面的電影音樂, 彷彿告訴這個世界的哀傷與悲情, 生命的一點真與盼望


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