Friday, November 30, 2007




Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sermon on the mount by Kong Hee (25.11.07)

Attitude is what God looking for in us. God starts from inside.

The Beatitudes (Mt5:1-10)

Every sentence starts with "blessed be..."
To be blessed is to find the approval of God!

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

poor in spirit---pleading, lack inside, desperate for spiritual breakthrough

Gen25 Jacob and Esau

"I'm so hungry, what's the birth right so important to me?"
Esau's attitude was exposed, he despised his birthright given to him.
In contrast, Jacob, though with many problems, he always wanted more from God.

Rev 2:17 Hidden Manna--revelation only reserved to those who seek it.

When we are poor in spirit, we have no other way, inside we are pleading for God so much that we would be fed with the hidden Manna, God will speak to us then.

2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


Ps 51 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, God, you will not despise.

brokenness is not a broken heart, which is broken by sin,Satan and the world.

heart of brokenness is a heart broken by the grace of God
it means total humility before God
but few people broken before Lord like this---human beings are like cars, we all like to move from place to place, inside we have an axle "I" was spinning all the time: i want to do this, i feel like this way, I want it to be in this way...but God takes this out and breaks it; instead He puts 'Christ" as the axle: Christ wants me to do this and then i'll do; Christ wants me to go there and i'll go, Christ wants me to speak, i speak. For people who born again having such genuine attitude, there's no room for casual Christians anymore.

For these people, they will be comforted by God.

3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

There are two persons mentioned in the Bible who are described as meek: Jesus and Moses. Though Moses is the meekest people on earth, he is strong. If you are going to confront the Pharaoh, if you are going to lead 3 million people who were slaves and always in chaos, if you are going to lead them go through the Red Sea when the strongest armies are chasing you at your neck, you better have a strong personality.
But meekness is not weakness, it's the attitude of humility.

No pastor can force you to be humble. Only you can humble yourself; you have to make the choice to humble yourself.

"God, make me humble before you" is just as silly as "God, make me love you more"
It's your own decision to humble, it's your own decision to love.

When you are insulted, only meekness give you capacity to let go--you need to be strong to have meekness.

4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Spiritual hunger is the key to get rid of dryness(Ps 63:1-2)

If you are preparing a great feast, making the best wine and food ready, you cannot guarantee your guest are hungry enough to enjoy the good meal. It's easy to become complacent and not hungry for God--we need to have this "holy dissatisfaction" inside.

5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Our gentleness will make others great.Capacity to forgive all the time.

The key to forgiveness is forgetfulness(just as how God forgave us, he forgave all our sins, cleanse us as white as snow)

Gen 41:51 Joseph, "God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household"

It's better when someone come to you and ask for your forgiveness, you would say,"oh, for what? i already forget it."

God wants us to be merciful and forgiving.

Jesus suffered when he is tempted. (Heb 4:17). But because he is tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. To teach us mercy God allow us to go through great temptations. (that's true!) God provides this space to us to develop compassion for others: so that when my brothers come to me and is going through the same thing, i can understand them and bless them. If you want to be like Jesus, you will go through great temptations. So when people come to you, you can be blessings to others.

6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

A pure heart is more than away from sin and and immorality, in James 1:5 it says God dislike double-mindedness. A pure heart is a heart of singleness and one devotion to God, it's unity in heart. It's not partial obedience, which will not bear any fruit spiritually.

Be 100% pursuing God and fully goes after God, in order to experience God in a tangible way!

7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Peace of God is a powerful weapon.

Rom 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Peace is a weapon which can crush Satan! in Mark 4:39, Jesus said "Be still" and calmed the sea. He was actually speaking to the demonic power behind the sea. Peace prepares the way for revival to come.

Peace is not avoiding conflicts and pretend nothing happens. Unity can only build on truth! We have to learn to handle complexities of relationships, a peace maker is a mature person, who discern hearts and spiritually mature. When you become spiritually mature son, then God can entrusts his inheritance to you.

8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

God is not raising up softies, he is raising up a strong and powerful army, who can stand persecution. When we follow God, there will be pain, pain from others, from this world, and also pain of obedience, which is the hardest. But for those they would inherit kingdom of heaven.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

nice chat with family and irene...first time see them again on the screen...miss mom and dad and sumsum so much ar~~~and i find that (once again) mom is so beautiful!!=D

and recently add my cousin in facebook, i'm so excited to see him there~! he is like my 'real' brother, we had really fun and good time play together when we were small, he teaches me so many things, introduce me final fantasy, and "Gum yong kwun hup zhuan" and so on...haha...really like him ar...really pray that he would believe in Jesus one day~~

also pray for my another cousin, he has skin disease for quite many years, have seen so many doctors but the situation remains so so..

pls continue to pray for Guong's brother~~~~!

and please pray for the chinese cell group...there are some new comers...pray for them to desire to know God and grow in His words!~~~

I cannot change myself, but i can allow Holy Spirit to change me.


please pray for me that i would have time and filled by Holy Spirit to write the sharing letter...thank you!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


dear all,
i very much want to write sth here on and on...cos there have been many things happening and they are great! but i just don't have the time to make it through!~~

recently there happen story in the street mission that a man from former yugoslavia was saved! i talked to him and it's amazing! Before the street mission we prayed that that night there will be soul(s) saved. And my corridor mate had talked to him last week and praise the lord---He is great!

another two miracle is that my house mate's bike was stolen and this is the second time happened in our corridor. We prayed in agreement that anything stolen by Satan we can claim it back in the name of Jesus, and we prayed that the person who stole the bike would return it to the entrance of the church so that we need to search it around...and on sunday service it happened!

On the day when i arrive the church (i was supposed to attend an interpretation course, and it was two minutes before it started) i parked the bike on the left side of the entrance, but usually the bike are parked on the right side, but sometimes if it's in hurry it's okay for bikes to be parked there for a while. But Holy Spirit says to me, no, park the bike there. I already locked the bike and ready to go for the entrance..but ...okay, i'll do it. And then i unlock the bike and ride it to the right side of the church...and then i see my house mate's bike there! with no lock.

I checked the bike and try to find my phone to call her, and she has already arrived then.."what are you doing, jessica? you think this is my bike?" she asked suspiciously, "...but, this is my bike!!!"

We can see the hammering scratches on the bike, and with some small details on the bike we recognize it's her bike. We all three(with another girl living with us also) hopping around and yelling Hallelujah...

God is great! He listened to our prayers!

Monday, November 12, 2007


今日弟弟已順利插入導管(Hickmen line),手術過程順利,弟弟也可以食飯,精神也不錯^^


1.求神以大能叫那些不良的血細胞停止生產,也藉著化療藥能針對性破壞那些不良細胞(blast cell)。宣告神才是真正醫治者,唯有祂的大能才能完全醫治弟弟的病。

在神裡面沒有難成的事,Mk 16:17-18 Signs will accompany those who believe...they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.


Mk 11: 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

1) 有智慧去運用時間
2) 珍惜每次和人聊天的時間
3) 為青年小組禱告,求神讓他們的生命在神的話語裡面成長
4) 求神繼續在我生命的工作---最好加速tim ar~求神給我敏銳和順服的心


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I see the king of glory
Coming down the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing

Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith, with selfless faith
I see a new revival
Staring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, we're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what is yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity


This song catches my heart, hope it catches yours too...

Monday, November 05, 2007



下雪了,冬天來了 =)








two ways to live

I find a very interesting evangelical material online;I think it's not bad to be another alternative of the 4 spiritual laws---it has a good illustration of sin and the choice of life to be subjected under Jesus again , it's quite relevant to the situation people are in today---and also l love the cute crown and the little man~~~^^

Thursday, November 01, 2007

我們為什麼不慶祝萬鬼節 Halloween ~~游建國





三個令人困惑的日子 10/31,11/1與11/2十一月一日是真正的萬聖節(All Saints, Day)是第七世紀時由當時的教宗所創立,為的是紀念過去的聖徒,因為聖徒數目已經很多,無法一一立日紀念,就設立同一個日子來追念他們。本來是定在五月十三日,後來到了第九世紀由一位教宗改到十一月一日,目的是為了對抗當時已經開始流行的萬鬼節(Halloween),但是結果並不如理想。

十一月二日是萬靈節(All Saint Day),是天主教徒們紀念過去的祖先(未被冊封為聖徒)的日子。

十月卅一日晚上開始的是萬鬼節(Halloween)的前夕,真正的萬鬼節也是十一月一日也就是前述天主教教宗想要對抗的日子。古時一天的計算都是由晚上開始,而非今日習慣的自早上起算。(上帝創世時的一天也是自晚上開始,見創世紀第一章)。所以當時天主教徒也是在十月卅一日晚上開始以聚會來紀念聖徒,萬聖節夜(前夕)稱之為 HallowEvening或 Holy Evening .神聖之夜的意思,誰知卻被世人借用,把兩個英文單字連在一起成了今日的Halloween。因為是鬼節,所以要「正名」為萬「鬼」節,有別於真正的萬「聖」節。鄭重建議,此後主內肢體們要稱Halloween 為萬鬼節,因為它是歡慶死亡、榮耀魔鬼、邪靈的日子,神的兒女不能使用歸與神的「聖」字來稱呼它。因為不但竊取神的榮耀,也迷惑了世人,其中也包括了許多不明就裡的基督徒。


「對巫師們而言萬鬼節是最大的慶典,是死亡的節期,代表了巫師年度的結束與開始,因為冬天即將來臨,冬天是一切死亡與毀滅的象徵。在這段期間,黑暗勢力被釋放,所有的邪靈都跑出來在世上遊蕩,通常被人們認為是最容易與靈相通的時期。」 (Halloween and Satanism, P. Phillips and J.H. Robie, 1987, p. 146).「另有一個宗教團體認真度過萬鬼節的,就是撒旦教。撒旦教徒認為萬鬼節讓他們能更肆無忌憚地直接頌讚死亡與魔鬼,他們把它當作是極為重要的兩個節日之一,其間所做的撒旦教式獻祭的恐怖與殘忍簡直無法形容。 (Like Lambs To The Slaughter, Johanna Michaelsen, 1989, p.190).


一共有連續六個星期的血祭儀式,包括從宰殺小動物,像是小鳥或是貓,跟著的幾個星期逐漸開始獻祭較大的動物,像是山羊甚至屠殺幼嬰。最後那個星期晚上的高潮是在獻祭儀式中,血祭一個孩子或是一位成年女性。 (Ibid, p. 192)我個人過去在研究萬鬼節及撒旦教的材料中,曾經看過一個完整的紀錄片,有一位現今已經歸主的撒旦教大祭司就見證這件事。並且提及他小時就與一位女嬰被選中,他們一起在撒旦教的細心調教下長大。當他十八歲那年的萬鬼節被用血祭膏立為大祭司,被血祭的祭牲是一位少女,就是與他一同長大的那個女嬰。還有些邪教獻祭的幼嬰,是女教徒刻意在該年為此目的懷孕的,在家生產後也不去申報出生證明,以致當警方在某些偏遠地區發現幼嬰的骨骸與尿布等物件時,完全無法查知骨骸的歸屬。魔鬼邪惡的力量已經將人性扭曲到如此的地步,真是可怕與可惡。




萬鬼節是鬼的筵席,惹神憤怒的事不是神的兒女該做的。所以首先自己要明白,這不是我們歡慶的日子,倒要為這日子禱告,為那些因無知投入黑暗勢力懷抱的人禱告,求神的救恩早日臨到他們。有的教會在這天晚上會聚集,對會眾從大人到小孩各有聚會,講明萬鬼節的來源與其屬靈的意義;並為國家、社會與世人禱告。還有比較積極的教會就會在聚會結束後,到鄰里各處去發單張,說明為什麼不要參與萬鬼節,同時邀請他們以後來教會,認識真神,得到真正的祝福。(英文的單張在各地的福音書房都有,可依需要購買。 )




愛與恐懼的對比 >面對這個問題,要從主耶穌的愛著手。告訴他們我們是神的兒女,我們慶祝聖誕節是主耶穌為我們誕生(不是聖誕老人),慶祝復活節是主耶穌為我們死而復活,感恩節是屬算神的恩典。萬鬼節是敬拜撒旦的日子,我們不能參加,反要與孩子一起為他的同學朋友禱告。再者,十誡的第一條,神告訴我們只能敬拜唯一的真神(教會兒童主日學應該已經教過),我們怎能違背祂,傷祂的心呢? >同時,主也是我們的朋友,祂賜給我們平安與喜樂,在祂裡面我們無所懼怕。在我們的生活生命中不需要任何邪惡的事或活動。雖然看起來走過街坊鄰居去要糖是很有趣的事,但是知道這樣會傷害到與愛我們的主耶穌的關係,也不能榮耀祂時,我們就不願意去做了。> >危機就是轉機>萬鬼節對很多父母很頭疼,不知如何處理。然而,若我們處裡得當,不但能解決眼前的問題,更能裝備我們的兒女認識撒旦的詭詐與欺騙的手段,在屬靈爭戰上得勝,為他們日後的成長奠定一個好的基礎;同時也深化了親子感情與互信的關係。所以看起來似乎是危機,其實是轉機。求神賜給我們智慧,讓我們從裡到外、從小孩到大人、從教會到社會、從信徒到世人在這樣的機會裡,打一個大勝仗,榮神益人。> 萬聖節的起源–(資料來源:Elizabeth Jordaans的非洲守望)

萬聖節起源於古時歐洲居爾特人(Celts of Europe)的習俗,為死人的節日 (:"Samhain" /"All Hallowtide")。這個「死節」是由10月31日傍晚開始,象徵收割的 結尾及冬天的開始。11月1日是諸聖節(All Saints Day),它是由10月31日起始,因為在古時候,日子的計算是由傍晚開始,而非像我們今天由午夜至下一個午夜為一日,這也象徵居爾特人新一年的開始。居爾特人相信,在這兩個年度的交接時刻,「兩個世界之間的幕-」是最薄弱的,世上的人能夠在他們所居住的地方與死人溝通。因此,這正是邀請先祖及其他「友善」的靈來參與聚會(Sabbath Festivals)及與所愛的人重聚的時候。這對死人的慶典在這夜尊崇死神。

"Trick or Treat": 人們會扮成精靈,然後逐家逐戶去懇求食物。他們的信念是要給予精靈崇拜及食物來討好牠們,否則這些精靈就會捉弄他們,諸如:煙囪堵塞,牛羊失喪﹑被擲黃芽白等等。另一個途徑去愚弄或嚇跑這些惡靈,就是扮成牠們的樣子,他們相信這樣那些惡靈就不會傷害他們。>>這是精靈(Faeries)活躍的時刻,精靈是那些不跟隨神,也不跟隨路西弗(撒旦)的天使,他們是被斥責在地上行走,直至審判日,居爾特人相信這晚是混亂掌權的時刻,因這時不屬於任何一年,這是一個充滿魔法﹑占卜等儀式活動的晚上


火的儀式: 萬聖節是居爾特人四個「火節」("Fire Festivals")之一,所有爐中的火都會被熄滅,然後從德魯伊特祭司儀式中點起的野火中取火重新燃點。當其時,德魯伊 特祭司會穿起動物的皮及頭來隱藏不被靈看見。火的熄滅代表黑暗的半年,而重燃則代表希望的回來。火或蠟燭會整晚燃燒來尊崇及歡迎死人。「積的燈籠」﹑葫蘆﹑蘋果酒﹑香及寶石都用來裝飾祭壇。蠟燭是黑色或橙色的,黑貓被認為是再世化身的人物,有能力預言祭司,負責在所謂聖地如森林﹑河流﹑溪澗舉行節期儀式。人的獻祭是其中的儀式。撒旦教徒採用「德魯伊特祭司之高潮」與"DruidicHigh Days”及慶祝「萬聖節」如下:10月22-29日: 撒旦教徒開始預備獻祭10月30日 撒旦教的節日高潮- 關於萬聖節以活人作祭牲 10月31日 萬聖節的傍晚- 血祭及與邪靈淫合儀式。動物及活人的獻祭。

早期基督教會嘗試去取代這德落伊教的慶典。(這是上古Gaul, Briton民族中一種能施妖術﹑說預言等的僧侶)。教會曾設立諸聖日(All Saint Day)取代這德落伊慶典日。這個取代沒有效果。雖然這敬拜慶典的外表已消失,但對這些異教的偶像崇拜卻仍然存在。在中古時代,巫術﹑魔法等非常盛行。在廿世紀中期,異教偶像崇拜重新進入西方世界,而且這異教徒的節期亦捲土重來。那些缺乏教導的基督徒並不知道當人類呼喚邪靈時,無論是鬧著玩或認真的做招靈,人都可以和邪靈接觸。每一種萬聖節內的活動都是崇拜假神及邪靈。為死人祈禱是完全違反聖經真理的。


約三1:11、林前10:21、林後6:14、申18:9-12、帖前5:21-22、結44:23、雅1:27、 4:7-8、箴22:6、林前10:31 提後1:7、申18:9-14、賽8:19、歷10:13-14


1. 香港全福會網站: news/article.php?storyid=9

2. 萬鬼節的來源 2004年