Saturday, March 25, 2006

now the Italy trip has finished, venice is great and is a beautiful beautiful city
we tried the gondole, a small boat, that the fisherman will sing Italian songs for you while he's rowing the boat,wearing the suit like a prisoners, though,ha

and you can find the meticulous coloured-glasses and designed masks,costumes for venice the word itself means 'carnival' that the city is famous of its fun,laughters and jokes

the most interesting thing you can find in venice is,however, the many small streets that ALWAYS make you lost, maps are useless, and even we need to use a compass to find a way out~(in a city!)

and water canals large and small are "goon chuen" the cities, that there are water taxi, water ambulance, and wate police, "boat stop" instead of bus stop...every one got a boat "parked" in front of their homes...

maybe i cannot update with all my diary here, but briefly my route is:
17/3 Florence , famous of its paper industry,Statue of David(yim suk yeung)
18/3 Uffizi museum--most probably you will tired of catholic art after you visit this museum, and you become more familiar with Italian painting and painters by then
19/3 Pisa Tower, the inclined Pisa Tower that people use it to test law of gravity
20/3 Bologna--Bolognese Spaghetti

will update later, some feelings need to drop down!

Thank you.

你會說:「這是不可能的。」神卻說:「凡事都能。」(路 18:27)

你說:「我太累了。」神說:「我給你安息。」(太 11:28)

你說:「沒有人真正關心我。」神說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16; 約13:34)

你說:「我支持不住了。」神說:「我的恩典夠你用。」(林後12:9; 詩91:15)


你說:「我不能作這事。」神說:「你凡事都能作。」(腓 4:13)

你說:「我不能。」神說:「我能夠。」(林後 9:8)








(copy from Ruby's xanga)

Monday, March 20, 2006

travel diary, sui xiang

received you guys' mails la, already sent them...:)unfortunately at the moment i cannot read chinese in this computer,they all appears as squares...

time flies, i cannot believe that today is already the sixth day i've been in Italy, so far the weather is good and warm,but sometimes windy, and once again i experience the humidity that i can only have in hk, when i have the bath water falls like rain, the humidity and warmth reminds me of hongkong,when we have the spanish 'cow mix' in the street corner,the food reminds me of the first time i have that with mandy,yikning,winky,natalie and kei in central...

in rome we've been to Pantheon, the Pazza Nabona, Ponete Sant Angelo,so many churches, many paintings,hundreds of statues,old remains of castles...those of a thousand year of history make you imagine how big the city was, remind me of the movies 'bun hui' and colosseo the 'gladiator' which are the favourites of my mom and dad.

at night we cooked our selves the spagehtto and sai lan fa, which is not bad! and cheap, haha;)


we saw the pope benedictus XVI there, and the church is awesome!(Basilica di San Pietro) there are so many ppl there...and also people queue up to talk to the priest there (go gai,gaojie)even there are chinese 'go gai!) but that day no chinese priests were on duty there, otherwise i think i will say a hello to him,ha
anyway, i think human (even non-believers) have sth,so deep that they want to share with otheres, to be listened to is a basic human need, that's why i like to be a listener, and i think it's always my blessing if i can help,if that's just listen
thanks God we can pray everywhere and at anytime!

at night we tried a restaurant near the entrance of Vantigan, called lunch pizza, the price is reasonable and is not bad!i tried a pizza named pizza napolentana, the most typical and simple one, and i like the cheese so much!mozarella,it really tastes different from those in sweden and other places...maybe that's why my italian friend said they'll never had pizza in other countries...though i may not really tell wat's the difference is, but it's just like c mug nai cha and other typical hk food, if you belong to that places, you will be more sensitive to the taste of food there, somehow i think food is a part of life, and then graually it become a symbol of belongings,too

we visit a underground ghetto where many christians at the times of roman lived and where they hid from the persecution, the living condition is really bad,at the third level underground, you can imgagine how bad the air and light there can be, and how ppl live there for a long time in dark, what they have is only faith in God
ppl at that time even put death bodies together at a place without really buried them, cos they believe that sometimes soon they will be resurrected
though todays it may sounds stupid that ppl doing things like that, you can imagine how real the gospel to them, how real they experience Jesus at that time, that made them to do things that ppl around considered as crazy things

i think it's like the days at Noah's time, when Noah do the ship,every one around them laugh at them and don't understand, but what they do is keeping doing what they believe in...until the consequence came

today we can see more and more evidence the last day may come
what these hints give us message about life?
what is life?
how do we make our life more meaningful?

still today i may not give you the exact answer, for everyone's answer is different in their life, but what is real to me is that i witness every one in the world inside are weak and wanting love and recognition from others so much, sometimes they even willing to sacrifice everything they have to get this. however this love, that i witness can only be from God and God only, that this love will never change and never cease

however,when i try to tell others about this love,the problem is me myself cannot live out this love totally, and i always feel my weakness
but the only thing i can do is to say, 'turn to Him!please!turn to him!you'll get whatever you need in him'some ppl believe, some ppl don't,some ppl get their blessings and joy,some are growing gradually,some are suspicious and distracted by this world's temptation...the only thing i can tell, is the work of holy spirit,is the faith, how willing you are, how much you will try

don't be afraid--

this maybe the phrase we need most, in this times of chaos and sins and distortion...
what is the world mean to you, i would say, mostly depends on the lens you use
and ....don't use the wrong one

the joy,the happiness is already a gift in front of you, awaiting you , using faith to get it

please do

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm in Rome

Dear all,
now i'm in Rome now! After the very very very last minute essay and bus)i even dun have time to eat my cooked chicken,just left it in the kitchen...ha=p),finally i got on the plane-and here i come!ROME!!!!!

The first thing i notice when i got down the plane is that here is no snow!then i breathe in the polluted air compare to those fresh one in Sweden. But the weather and sunshine really refresh you up, you feel more free and more like spring and summer, more energy to °move° and travel and play!

nice to meet siuyin,kenneth,sylvia and etta, quite a long time haven't seeing them and they have been to so many couutries during this long long semester break from jan to april...and later siuyin will come and visit me, maybe we should go yum cha and also meet allan there in stockholm too'''

this is the second day i've been in Rome, and here we really visited lots of popular sighting'seeing places,even more than london i think and if you come to europe i think italy is a must see. we went to see so many famous painting and statues like 'Creation of Adam', 'School of Athens',last judgement and others...dunno the english names...but those we read in the history book...and kenneth and etta knows so much things when we see it they tell us the stories about them...i think that's why we read, it's important to really learn it and can use it and apply it...but not just for exam and then forget education system sucks...

and also today we see the pope Benedictte...(sorry if i spell it wrongly)he spoke to the public in so many languages...i think at least 4 languages he knows...and we are luckly to see him..though i like the previous one more...haha...and so many so many ppl here in everyone become more 'kin sing' when they come here...why

i need to finish now...time is limited
as always

bless you and love you all

update you more later

and please let me know you guys address...i forget to bring my address book with me, so please give me yours thru, so then i can send you post cards ar,^^

Friday, March 10, 2006

感恩,今天竟然在一個情況裡面有機會分享(當然之前有祈禱啦),是有關中國文字裡面早已有神的啟示,早在造中國文字那個時候的人已經認識上帝!遲些有機會再分享,真的很奇妙!剛好今天fika的人有日本人,馬來西亞人,他們都懂中國文字,聽了之後都對福音有興趣,說今個禮拜天要一起去教會看看...感謝神的恩典與帶領,請為我們祈禱吧,渴望那天他們的心都被神的愛吸引和感動,神的靈親自跟他們說話...他們包括Rei,Chihiro,Jimmy,MianMian,Dave, Chenghuiling


Thursday, March 09, 2006



簡單概況:下星期去義大利啊,感恩join 小燕,Sylvia,Etta,Kenneth,之後和Jay他們去Slovenia, Croatia,Hungary, Vienna,大概4月9日回來,求神保守我們的腳步吧,希望是很開心很開心的一個旅程!


由於去旅行的關係,要趕功課,但想題目和找書都花了很多很多時間...hai...星期二就要交兩份paper和一個additional paper,求神賜我智慧!

要寫paper la~



你施恩典 你手相牽 令我滿有信心
(獻出一生 交與主你手中)






Saturday, March 04, 2006


當我們選擇我們的信仰的時候,不是盲目的絕對接受,而是要反覆對敲,去思想我們為甚麼要信這個,要做那個,不是責任的問題, 而是應不應該的問題, 當我們真實痛撤的去想去問,去做出來,這個信仰才對我們的生命有意義(如果它真的是真的話),才能夠真正改變我們原本陳腐的生命

Friday, March 03, 2006

:) many small ice stateus

small ice statue

ice and snow--reflection

nice hut in the arctic circle

me and Karen

warm bed~!(just apparently)


ice glass-: want a drink?

japanese sister: Naomi and Masami

cold cold cold...

walking on the 'ice lake' scary but interesting!~

Snow mobile~ i don't know they are behind me at that time!


yeah~girls pic



So beautiful....

Hoi Fan la~


Ice hotel

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Ice Hotel


  Posted by Picasa

放手 等待


對生命更堅定, 勇往直前的我嗎?


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


A) 請大家開始為下兩星期的TA 雙週會行動祈禱 ( 6-17/3 )
我們主要會去陳宿, 國宿, 知行同紫霞

1) 在這兩週中, 大家都有同心合意一起守望校園和宿舍的心
2) 最近多異端出現, 聽 Caroline 分享, COC 的人曾在紫霞出現, 以不誠實的做法進入宿舍傳道, 以禱告求神保守, 免得人被異端迷惑
3) 也為 T.A. coordinator 和組長守望, 他們在這段期間都忙碌, 求神給他們智慧和心力, 作引導的角色
4) 為 Crunaction 小組禱告, 興起他們守望宿舍的心





她是我從小到大的最好最好朋友, 其實她的我表姊,但我們的感情比親姊妹還要好,在媽媽有意無意的安排下,我們從小的感情就很好,二十年了,我們的認識感情就只有更深更厚,我們會彼此分享所有東西,離開香港我會覺得是她幫我照顧阿心,她就像我的家人,我有甚麼事一定會跟她說,她的生命也是我的負擔,無疑我們都是對方生命最重要的朋友,她對我的忍耐和關愛我會永遠記住的,現在她信主了,我們成為屬天的姊妹,可以分擔的事情就更多啦,生日快樂

我們其實認識了兩年,但感情是很特別的,我們都是自己第一次短宣認識的,是禱告夥伴,是出隊戰友,屬靈上我們是老戰友,雖然我們各有不同崗位,但我們卻在我們的角落彼此收望,RUBY真是眾人的天使!認識她的人都會有這樣的感覺~她對我特別愛護,在我病的時候照顧我,給我煮飯做飯盒,我們上年創了驚人紀錄---每天一起跑步,最後令我這個以前體弱多病的我可以一口氣跑2000米---完全是她的鼓勵和morning call的成果, 每天我們跑步後就會一起禱告, 家庭,感情,朋友,事奉都會分享,代禱....我相信我這一生人都不會忘記這段時光的. 到了瑞典,在自己很需要關心和鼓勵的時候往往是RUBY送上最溫暖的問候和卡...謝謝她,love you fowever~感謝神讓我們認識對方~

真誠和坦白令我們相識不久就找到共通點,成為非常要好的朋友,在追求自己的理想的時候有一個人與你一起是很重要的,她往往提醒我自己在做甚麼,為甚麼我要讀這一科,她對自己追求的東西很清晰,不容易動搖,也許我就是需要這樣的人在我身邊提醒我,不要被這個世界影響了,而迷失了自己的方向,感謝神在大一的時候她的同房就帶她信主了,她就是那種當你認識她,你就巴不得她早日認識神那種人,神非常喜悅她,給了她的很多恩典和智慧,我神在她身上有非常美好的旨意,願她早日發現~ 向真和明因,我們都是被真理吸引的人

感謝神讓我生命裡面認識她們,她們對我生命的影響都是很大的,當然還有其他啦(lingling!) and the others so many others...但這裡不敘,等來日有機會再和大家分享吧~盼望我們的友誼隨著日子的過去變得更醇更美更深更厚~love you all~